What is the Meaning & Definition of Ulterior

The concept of further used in our language when we want to indicate that something is after something else or beyond such another, or it is also possible to be used to refer to something that was said or what happened after something, i.e., that which was subsequent to a given event.
Now, we must mention that although the concept that occupies us corresponds to that you used in the mentioned conditions it is not have a use as current as others of its synonyms, back, next, consecutive, subsequent, successive, coming, far. I.e., to describe exactly the above lines up is more common that we use some of these synonyms of further, especially in the colloquial use of the language.
Meanwhile, in formal communications is carrying out in areas as the legal if proves to be often found with this concept. Even the concept is used other terms associated with creating specific concepts within the legal field and so it is that for those who dominate matter or work in this space the subsequent Word won't be them for anything outside.
The clarification we also indicate the subsequent word is especially used then to describe or mention to that which lies below, found in the next place at the behest of a series, something you are saying, then happens or that takes place after another thing, and to a lesser extent can be used when you want to express deep issues.
The concept that is at odds is the former, because it just indicates above, precedes something or someone, either in time or in one place.
Also, this concept has been used in the plane of history to refer to a division of Hispania. Hispania was the name which first the Phoenicians and later the Roman civilization called the Iberian Peninsula.
When the Romans in their eagerness to Conqueror took control of that territory was divided in two provinces and one of them was called Hispania Ulterior, so called precisely because of its position. This occurred in 197 BC. In the year 27 BC disappeared as such.
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