What is the Meaning & Definition of Utopia

What is utopia?
A utopia is the human projection of an ideal world, i.e. the conception of an ideal world developed by this or that person and it depends on clear is their motivations, experiences, among others, which are which lead him to build that ideal world in his mind.
Now, noteworthy is the utopia hand walking the impossibility to realize such a project or idea, because that is precisely what makes it a utopia the impossibility for as he thinks in the time and manner in which it is intended.
With an example we'll see clearer, my utopia is living in the countryside, away from the city and the frenetic pace that it exists, but clear, today I think and dream it is impossible that it carry out because my work is carried out in the city and I have no chance to move it to that retired and ideal space.
Utopias most often cannot be implemented because they would mean having to give up some important aspect, in this case the work, which is the way to sustain us have.
Origins and authorship of the concept
Unlike other concepts, that of utopia has a specific author, the English writer Tomás Moro, who first used it and then popularized in his work Dē optimal Rēpūblicae status dēque Nova Insula Ūtopia posted in the year 1516. There, Utopia, is the name given to a fictional community whose political, economic and cultural organization contrasts in many aspects with contemporary communities to Moro and in which above all things prevail purity and perfection.
In the city of Utopia made in Moro, the community is organised rationally super, all the inhabitants live in the same houses and share their property, i.e., there is by no means something so common, social inequality in any social organization.
In the free time, art and reading, are the most deployed by the "utopian" activities and only in very extreme cases are sent to the war, therefore, mostly, this society is accustomed to live in circumstances of peace and harmony of interests... A dream this also not have more to look at our around to confirm it.
Over time, this dream world created by Moro in the 16th century is conceptualized and begins to use the idea of that ideal world created by him to designate precisely to this idyllic state of affairs that often formed in our minds people but at the same time and by certain conditions of life is difficult to realize in the reality in which we live.
Thus, today, people, uses the term utopia when you want to refer to that plan or project presented to the eyes of anyone who knows it as unfeasible at the time which conceived it or raises. Basically, because able proposes or promotes feelings or conditions resulting in a given community or context virtually impossible. For example, today, a global peace plan extended to every corner of the world is a utopia because there are so many competing interests and a deep hate between sectors that is so entrenched that it makes it impossible to just think about the realization of this plan. Of course it would be great but if you think about it with his feet on the ground is not feasible because there would be a full Convention of the sectors to put it into practice.
Utopias everywhere, are economic, as to live in a world in which there is no money and where everyone can only do work that like us or like. Then there are the environmentalists, policies and religious.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.