What is the Meaning & Definition of widowhood

Referred to with the term widow at the time that a person can spend in your life when the person with whom he married dies or loses life. The State of widowhood is considered as one of the saddest since it implies that one of the two people who decided to form a couple is no longer, and worse still if in the middle there is an already formed family. Widowhood is a State of life that is often linked to the people of the third age (among whom is more common to lose to the other old age), widowhood is not exclusive of any age, and one can even access that mote still being very young.
When we speak of the widow, we are using the term to refer to people who have been officially married or who have contracted marriage officially according to the rites and traditions of their community. However, also the term can be used for people who lived in pairs independently that have contracted marriage or not.
Widowhood is that the person that is left in this world to go forward with your life and this is both emotional and economic level. Thus, while it is advisable to do some kind of treatment that help one to overcome such difficult and hard situation, exist in different countries various laws which aim to ensure the provision of subsidies or contributions to those who are alone. Thus, pensions tend to be common in most countries and are amounts of money proportional to the wages that the person who died was paid in life and which are intended to solve the expenses or debts of the person who is single. In the case of women, you are allowed in the majority of cases continue to use the surname of married (in the event of adoption) and also sets and one that can be shared between the spouse and the children.
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