What is the Meaning & Definition of guardianship

Authority who cares about who can do it per is the absence of biological parents

He is designated with the word guardianship authority, which in the absence of the father and the mother, for being absent because of a special situation, is gives you someone and which consists of taking care of a person and their property, either due to a minority of age or any other plausible surveillance question or because it does not have the complete civil capacity to do so.
Then, the tutor effective once guardianship acquire authority and responsibility in the absence of the parents of the person in question, on the subject and their property.
While all people that we are born in this world have a father and a mother biological or adoption, are those who are responsible for our care and upbringing until the age of majority, there are some exceptional cases, typically when parents die or by any important issue cannot be responsible for their lives, a disability, for example Therefore, children should be in charge of what is known as guardian or tutor and care and who exercise guardianship, which is the position that we have described above.

Comply with all duties and prerogatives of a father

I.e., the tutor is as the father of that person to custody although it is not in effect, does not have a blood tie, but it will have to fulfill all the duties of father and the prerogatives that this role entails.
It can also happen that guardianship not a concrete physical person may exercise it but that the State take care of protecting those children for example were orphaned.


There are different types of guardianship. Dativa guardianship is granted through the decision of a judge or a family Council and not by a testamentary provision or law. The copy protection, assumes the care of individuals and their property if there is indeed a mental disability. The legitimate guardianship which is one that stipulates the law and testamentary guardianship which is the one that will emerge from the order in a will.

Causes that extinguished the guardianship

Usually, guardianship can be terminated for the following reasons: by the arrival of the protected to adulthood, by adoption, by the recovery of the parental authority of its parent, by judgment, by death, among others, meanwhile, once finalized, the guardian must be filed account of the administration of the property to the relevant judicial authority.

Other uses of the term

But beyond the mentioned is the most frequent use we give to the word in our language there are others which we will review below.
In general terms, the guardianship is address, defense and the protection of one person with respect to another.
In an educational context, guardianship is understood as a process of accompaniment while lasts the formation of the child or a student, which will involve a personalized attention, transcending, in some cases the limits of formal education.

Guardianship in education

The role of the tutor is very present in some university courses, especially the time ends the same. It is common in those careers that demand for the Bachelor's degree obtaining the completion of a thesis or dissertation is used the figure of the tutor, who will be responsible for monitoring of the student in that way. Guardian must accompany the student, met with him to delve into the topic that will address the thesis of the student and of course to guide him in the boarding and more appropriate approach.
For students it is very important since this crucial moment of his career requires a special accompaniment since it is must demonstrate the effects of the knowledge gained during the courses.
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