What is the Meaning & Definition of viticulture

It is known with the term of viticulture to the discipline that deals with the study and activity to cultivate grapes. I.e., in the latter case viticulture consists in the systematic cultivation of vine and more precisely of its fruit, grapes, either to be consumed directly either subjected to a process of fermentation to produce wine.
It should be noted that there are various ways to develop the cultivation of the vine, and the most widely used: seed, stake, layering and grafting.
As happens with much of the plants, moisture, receipt of under water and fertilizers are conditions sine quanom for satisfactory development, meanwhile, in the case of the cultivation of vine irrigation techniques used are: per row, or failing that by flooding. And by the side of fertilization the most suitable fertilizer for this type would be: potassium, phosphoric acid, magnesium and calcium.
Now however, it is important to mention that the climatic factors are also fundamental to the time of favor or hinder the proper development and growth of the vine. Among the most harmful factors, no doubt, are: Frost, strong winds and hail. For example, during the autumn Frost, when the temperature can drop to 2 or 3 degrees below zero, leaves are Salchichón, although clusters are not affected. However when we are at temperatures of 6 degrees below zero there Yes dry leaves and also the fruit of the grape tends to lose sugar.
Frost can confront it with various actions when that occurs: by heating the air by the burning of fuel or by placing plastic barriers; Alternatively, you can prevent it is not installing vines in areas highly exposed to frost.
The wine production is very important in the world economy and in the Decade of the seventies of the last century reached its apogee. There are many countries that just stand for the production of wines, including: Argentina, United States, France, Chile, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Germany, among others.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.