What is the Meaning & Definition of urbanization

The action and result of urbanized area or a person

In a broad sense, estate refers to the action and result of urban development. The word urbanize basically presents two widespread uses, on the one hand, refers to housing that takes place on land that has been previously defined for that purpose and provide to all those facilities, light, gas, phone, among others, to be able to then be inhabited by families, couples, among others.
And the other use that is attributed to urbanize is the sociable to a particular person is not or that presents certain difficulties when it comes to striking up conversations with people, whether it be by shyness, lack of practice, among other situations.

Residential centre consisting of homes with features similar, provided services and facilities and that is located on the outskirts of a big city

Then, the foregoing suggests the following, that urbanization or an estate will be that residential center composed of homes that have similar characteristics and who are equipped with the above mentioned services and certain facilities and that tends to be found in the outskirts of a big city.
This last is that traditionally those constructions dating in an old rural areas together with other neighbouring populations, are called urbanization.

How focuses urbanization?

Meanwhile, urbanization is a process that will require a series of steps and elements for concrete... Land on which the estate will settle shall be before than anything divided into polygons and then in apples rural to complete the second step. Apples always shall be defined through streets or roads and will be shaped in turn by plots which must be always observed a street access.

Basic services

With regard to the necessary services, referred to above, the plots will be which will have or not with the same, service electric, sewer, water, sewer system, collecting garbage, drinking water, public transport, which are the most basic to Yes or Yes must have a development to be considered as such and also operate as expected. And generally, tends to be stipulated that among various apples into which is divided the land, must reserve a place especially for green spaces, such as parks, gardens of common use, among others.

A task that corresponds to the State

The development of urbanization in the different cities of a nation is a task that corresponds to national, provincial, or municipal governments as appropriate. To carry out this urban action, generally, are bid by public tender works that will consolidate that urbanization, such is the case of the laying electric, sewage system, among others.

A promise especially in developing countries

Unfortunate and incredibly in some countries as urbanization is still a promise that doesn't comply completely and then it is possible to find areas very close to the centers of the cities in which there is still no mains, gas, sewage, among other services necessary to guarantee that the neighbor can live in comfortable and dignified way hyper.
A paradigmatic case is that of the Villa miseria, installed nearly all of them in urban centers, and that as a result of insecurity in all aspects is delayed its urbanization, complicating not only the daily life of those who live there but also those living in the surrounding area.
Corruption and political mismanagement are undoubtedly the main stumbling blocks to the urbanization policy is. Politicians more concerned by enrich or benefit some areas at the expense of others, and neglect, are the main reasons that are in those places where the urbanization in the twenty-first century is a debt.

An indicator linked to the development of the country the rate of urbanization

We must emphasize that the urbanization rate which presents a country is a clear and concrete indicator of the level of development that presents the country. I.e., if the rate of urbanization is high that will show that the country has a high urbanization while if the number is low it will speak of a decline and in case of a poor housing estate. The least developed countries are those who have a low rate in this sense.
Now, also we should indicate that while today the rate of global urbanization, many allegedly advanced places is high, there is a deficit in this subject, as already noted above.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.