What is the Meaning & Definition of temperament

The temperament is that combination of acts of intro and extroversion that occur in a person in a unique way and that make up your personality. Intimately related to each individual psychology, temperament is acquired genetically and is for this reason that also relate with all the sensations, emotions and feelings understandable to physical and organic level. While many times the term 'temperament' is used in the same way that to mean 'character', such a situation is incorrect since the latter is which is acquired through learning.
Temperament comes from the Latin temperamentum, which means measure or portion. Normally, temperament is related to a stratum where the instinct takes place, it becomes that portion of our personality which are less aware and reasonable. The temperament of a person is often presented as a set of feelings, thoughts and impulses that mould the personality and have a completely logical explanation. It is also the product of nervous and endocrine activities that the individual does not know or control consciously. This is why that temperament also relates many emotional and passionate expressions since they have to do with a purely organic base.
According to the issues raised by scientific experts in the study of temperament, it has nine main features which serve as categories to classify the different types of temperaments. These nine characteristics are the activity or energy of a person, the regularity or the predicable of a temperament, the initial reaction or the way a person responds to new spaces of instantly, adaptability or ability to adjust to change, the intensity or level of positivity or negativity of a temperament, mood or the trend toward happiness or unhappiness distraction or the tendency to lose concentration, persistence (contrary to the above) and finally the sensitivity or the possibility of changes or stimuli affecting a person's temperament.
The four types of temperament most known and described by Hippocrates and Galen are: blood temperament (unstable and rapidly changing); gloomy (sad and reflective); phlegmatic and choleric (of great intensity and impulsivity) (hesitant and insecure).

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