What is the Meaning & Definition of conjugated verbs

Verbs are words essential for communication. Any verb is formed by two elements: a lexeme or root and a morpheme or termination. And this combination is that produces different verb forms. The set of all the verb forms is what makes up the verbal conjugation. In other words, the verbal conjugation of a verb consists of naming all its possible forms.

Verbal structures

In the Spanish language all the verbs that exist belong to the first conjugation and are those that end in ar (singing, swimming or dancing), to the second conjugation and are those who end up in er (again, know or have) and, finally, are the verbs of the third conjugation, which are those who end up in go (out, splitting or decide).
Verbal forms, these can be of two types: the personal or non-personal forms. The first a personal pronoun in reference (I, you, he, we, you and they) are not supported and are the form in (finished in ar, er, and ir) infinitive, gerund in (verbs finished in ando, going or going) and participle (verbs ending in ated, gone and some cases of irregularity). In relation to the personal forms are those which accompanied by a personal pronoun (as three of the aforementioned three plural and singular).
On the other hand, both non-personal and personal forms can be simple or compound, i.e. a single verbal form or a verbal form accompanied by an auxiliary verb, specifically the verb be. In other words, a simple verbal form consists of a single word and a compound is made up of two words. The verb be allows to combine compound shapes (you have never played the game, they have run or he has sung).

The conjugations and modes

All verbs can be combined depending on the action of the verb, which may be indicative, subjunctive or imperative, which are the three modes in our language. This means that the same verb is conjugated in three different ways and each verbal mode consists of certain tenses.
Indicative expresses real and concrete actions to describe reality (I sing, jumping or us dance). Subjunctive mode is used for hypothetical or likely situations (I may be, we have or they decide). And the verbs are conjugated in imperative when performing any mandate or order (for example, in sentences get your homework or go there now same).
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