What is the Meaning & Definition of Antisocial personality disorder

There are many people in the world and although social relations are inherent to human reality as shown by the fact that people live in society, every human being lives with their own limits according to your way of being, his personality and his character. There are people suffering especially to engage in group, comfortable feel in multitudinous plans. This is the case, for example, of people who have antisocial personality disorder.

A disease which is not yet known much about your triggers

Thus, they have serious difficulties to adapt to coexistence in society and are considered to be victims of an unfair system in which to escape from his own will taking to limit the concept of freedom. Despite the investigations carried out in this field, specific causes that can result in this disease are still not known, however, there are factors that can influence. For example, when a person has been a victim of child abuse. It's a problem that affects a high percentage to men than to women.

The profile of a person who suffers from this disorder

What are the characteristics of a person who suffers from antisocial personality disorder? These are people who tend to show a particularly strong rebellion against the law. They are people who could also fall into manipulation toward others by resorting to techniques such as lying and distortion of reality. In addition, are people who beyond their actions, have difficulties to experience a feeling of guilt, in this way clear, are not completely responsible for the consequences of their actions.

Arrogant character and which manifests itself on the defensive

From the point of view of the character, they are people who may also have frequent episodes of arrogance and shown on the defensive. From this superb, they expect that others have a link submission and blind obedience. They tend to value very much their own rights and to undervalue the rights of others.
In this way, they position themselves in a position of inequality in personal relationships. They establish an instrumental relationship with others, i.e. they perform an action thinking that it will thus achieve their own interests. One of the reasons why bothers them life in society is because they are afraid of being controlled by others, are looking for their own individuality, taken to the extreme.
They find it difficult to practice social skills such as empathy, i.e., not you can put in the skin of the other naturally.
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