What is the Meaning & Definition of terminology

Each area of knowledge has its methodology, its history, its techniques and its own vocabulary. Thus, the set of terms of each sphere of knowledge make up its terminology. A same word has one meaning or another depending on a particular context and this means that a single specific term can be understood as a part of the general terminology of each knowing. Consider the following term: Sella turcica.
For a fan of antiques, this concept will have a very specific meaning, but to a neurologist Sella is something completely different (is a hole located in the base of the skull in which the pituitary gland is located). If you use the word substance, we faced a similar situation, since in philosophical terminology, it has a meaning and in the sphere of chemistry a very different.
The examples listed above lead us to a conclusion: know something supposed to be familiar with its terminology. This circumstance can be seen clearly in medicine, in which patients often ask specialists to clarify the terms used, since the profane in medicine normally unknown technical vocabulary.

The terminology in the economy, an example of globalized vocabulary

Nowadays English is the global language par excellence. If we are in the economic context, we will realize that we directly use terms in English (cash-flow, free trade, trust, stock, banking and many others) or, conversely, adapt them directly to our own language (devaluation comes from devaluation, labor market comes from the labour market, oligopoly of olygopoly and theory of theory of prices prices).
By studying the different dimensions of the economy we are forced to carry out a dual task: Learn about procedures, laws and theories and, at the same time, using specific vocabulary. Basic vocabulary of economics books are edited to facilitate this task. They each concept has an own sense. With some frequency, a non-technical term acquired a specific meaning in the economy.
This is what happens with the word credit, which can be used as non-economic term (his word has no credit) or as something singular of economic activity.

Terminology as a stand-alone discipline

While the idea of terminology is projected in a specific area of knowledge, there is also terminology as a discipline independent. Its creator was the Austrian Eugen Wuster, who based on the study of esperanto as an international language, came to a conception of terminology as a discipline necessary to unify diverse branches of knowledge. His theoretical work was reflected in the well-known standards ISO, the International Organization for standardization which promotes common standards in the manufacture of all kinds of products.
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