Definition of test

The test Word has several meanings. It uses it, for example, to define the representation of a play or of a musical production before be exhibited on stage in the presence of the public, or the first production of a beginner in a particular area. There are also scientific tests, which are experimental evaluation of a product, a drug or a technique to enhance its effectiveness and safety, as well as chemical tests, which measure the concentration or any property of a substance or a material. The test is also a literary genre that fits in the didactics, having received a strong influence of liberalism and the journalism. FROM after the Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset, the test is "the science without explicit proof."
It is said that the test has its origins in kind epidictique of ancient Greco-Roman oratory art, with which it shares several features: free theme, simple and natural style, subjectivity, mixture of many elements (quotations, anecdotes, proverbs) and non-systematisme (there is no order in advance, unlike the informational text), of others. The french writer Michel de Montaigne was one of the most important pilot of the kind essayist of his time, from the publication of "Testing" in the year 1580.
The basic structure of the test contemplates three main stages: the introduction (in which are presented the theme and the thesis or the opinion of the author), development (where is sustained and proven theory) and the conclusion (the theme is comprehensive with basic presentations).
Speech, the news and the essay are didactic genres associated with the test.