What is the Meaning & Definition of affiliate

An affiliate is the formal name given to any individual or social organization that is a member of a corporation, such as a social work, a political grouping, a trade union or any other type of civil or commercial organization that requires as a condition sine quanom that the individual will enroll first in order to exercise the rights and benefits resulting from belonging to the same. In the case of a social work those rights consist of medical care, clinical, surgical, practices among others and in the case of the political groups members have the right to vote in the internal elections of the party and run as candidates for the same.
Then, from that an individual joins an organization, as in the cases above, you can start to enjoy the benefits of this proposed but will also need to comply with some requirements that it has, a common situation is that the affiliate must pay a bonus or a monthly fee in order to achieve the title of affiliate or the presence and preference as such.
Some trade unions, some political parties and some social works tend to demand some form of financial contribution by members. In the specific case of political parties the financial contributions requested are usually voluntary and will be appropriately set out in organic letters of the party in question.
Meanwhile, the political parties have a standard affiliate, which has the registration of all affiliates. The appearance is alphabetically with names and surnames, sex and the number of identity of members. Electoral justice demands a minimum of affiliated to political parties so that they can be recognized as such. The same be taken off from a percentage, from the general register of citizens who are eligible to vote in a district, province, or nation.