What is the Meaning & Definition of membership

Referred to as affiliation to that procedure through which a person enters a corporation, an institution, a political party, one social work, among others, as an integral part of it, creating also a certificate of membership mentioned. Meanwhile, the person who enters the corporation referred to popularly as an affiliate. John transacted its affiliation to the Union once the Guild prevented his dismissal and that of 30 peers more.
Always, the affiliation will involve a series of rights and reciprocal duties between the affiliate on the one hand and between the institution concerned on the other.
For example, individuals who are affiliated with a social work are entitled to medical care that provides the same, surgical, dental practices, urgency, among others, but as a counterparty must pay a share of money monthly and in some situations even must undergo various controls of establishing ownership and legitimacy to access benefits requested.
On the other hand, the members of a Trade Union will benefit with all those achievements that the dome dirigenciales get state: wage increase, reduction in working hours and in return will be charged a small fee to keep running the Guild and also participate in all those calls which the Union proposes: mobilisations, strikes, among others.
This type of membership is not compulsory, i.e. workers can choose to become a member or not, or alternatively leave when they deem it necessary. And it is also common to unions in a country joining other internationally.
Another very common affiliation is the policy, which of course also presents benefits and duties; in the first case the Member of a political party will have the chance to be a candidate for any office by the party to which it belongs, while their duties include the vote in internal elections.