Biography of Georges Bernanos

Pentimenti nationalists

20 February 1888 5 March 1948 Georges Bernanos was born in Paris on 21 February 1888; the father is Lorraine, of possible sources in Spain. Georges Bernanos studies at various colleges and seminars at the Sorbonne and graduated in arts and law. Catholic traditionalist, in hatred of the bourgeoisie, in Paris is attracted fromAction francaise, unparliamentary and nationalist movement led by Charles Maurras; leads a group of royalists ("Hommes de guerre") and supports an attempt to restore the monarchy in Portugal. At the end of 1908 goes into "Camelots du roi", the secular arm of theAction francaise; Day 8 December was arrested following a rally in the Latin quarter. From October 1913 and until August 1, 1914 directs successfully the royalist Rouen weekly "The Avant Garde de Normandie", emancipated from the family. Bernanos participated in the first world war as Davies: live hard years of trench warfare during which is wounded. In recent years bride Jeanne Talbert d'Arc. In April 1918 the first daughter, Chantal. In the summer of 1919 was finally discharged. This is dedicated to the reading of Léon Bloy, the Bible, the imitation of Christ, Freud, Conrad, Pirandello. First to Paris and then to Bar-le-Duc, to support his family (over 16 will become six times dad), works for an insurance company, but can't repress the vocation to writing. Bernanos writes when he can, by train as in bars. When the Pope condemns theAction francaiseresumed relations with old friends royalists. Confirms its character as a contrarian refusing the Legion of honor that he was offered, years later, three times. Quit his job of insurer, settled in different locations, always struggling with serious health problems and money. In 1934 is in Palma de Mallorca where, surprised by the Spanish civil war, finally understands the horror of nationalist movements that had supported. Falls in France but in 1938 part along with the rest of the family in voluntary exile for Brazil; Here we struggled as farmer and collaborates with the resistance. In his novels is the tension between good and evil contained in the human soul. Her deep Catholic spirit and his mystical inspiration are expressed clearly in the novel "diary of a country priest" (1936), the story of a young priest's struggle against sin, which will inspire the Director Robert Bresson for the 1951 film version. His only play, "dialogues des Carmelites" (1949), Francis Poulenc will draw one lucky opera in 1957; the 1960 is a film directed by Philippe Agostini. In 1938 Bernanos publishes "the large cemeteries under the Moon", violent attack against the Franco regime, repressions during the Spanish civil war. Other notable works are "under the Sun of Satan" (1926), "joy" (1929), "Mouchette" (1937) and "Mr. Bowes." (1943).
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