Biography of Italo Balbo

Heroic deeds of the Fascist era

6 June 1896 28 June 1940 Italo Balbo was born on 6 June 1896 in Quartesana Ferrara. His father Camillo Balbo was born in 1855 in Veruno Savoia near Turin was the son of a doctor who stays orphaned at the age of 5 years old and he was raised by an uncle who was a priest. His mother, Malvina Zan was born in 1860 in Copping a decayed gentry family, unfortunately she remains bereft of his father just 13 years. Family history of Balbo is tormented by premature deaths. Before the birth of Italo Balbo, his father and his mother are haunted by bad luck. The eldest son Cesare Balbo dies at 5 years for meningitis, following Fausto born in 1885 and soon became the protégé of the family Balbo, graduating from the University of Bologna and publishing at the age of 20 years a book of poems entitled "Canti Lirici" good workmanship, later became Director of the Republican newspaper "La Vedetta" (Fausto in 11 years older than Italo Balbo who is just a kid) don't spend a lot of time that is called to direct the newspaper "The People" of Cesena, in 1912 just 27 years died of an incurable disease. Italo try incredible pain over the loss of his idol and big brother, as closely connected affectively and his spiritual guidance, culture and politics in the mid-teens. From then on and for years in any private speech mentions it because is not forgotten. Italo Balbo since 1912 practically adopts the son of Fausto, namely flax which so loves like a son, until you have it at his side even on the plane in which both die. In 1887 was born Edmund Balbo, the more retiring between the brothers. Edmund manages to make his way especially when exploiting the prestige of his name. The list of brothers in chronological continues with Maria Trieste which turns into life as a woman of strong character that becomes iron-clad Manager of the newspaper "Corriere Padano", journal founded by Italo Balbo in 1925. As written above Italo Balbo was born on 6 June 1986. The Italian name is chosen by the father for patriotism. As a child shows interest in Emilio Salgari and Jules Verne, but after it is impassioned to Giosuè Carducci and Ugo Foscolo; writes some excellent essays by Italian and was sent to the gymnasium. In the old liceo-ginnasio Ariosto, Italo Balbo there enters the 1906 at the age of 10 years, but despite having two parents teachers and very good at writing "reasons why" in studies is lackluster, in academic subjects such as maths and sufficient grades as alternates in Italian to very low grades in the study of Latin and geography, is rejected. Repeats the year and get through to the second gymnasium where able to obtain good grades while remaining promoted and passing to the third, where incredibly is again rejected. Italo Balbo is a cute boy with strong ability to learn, but unwillingness to apply, simply put one of those students who suffer physically and intellectually to the constraints of a school too stiff. In fact his great talent the school carries on in its own way, with a number of literary, political and Trade Union initiatives, making it much more engaged by all his peers and intolerant of slow progress at school. After a few years and school years, at the age of 15 years we find it politically engaged in the cause of Mazzini, and the city of Ferrara is the most appropriate policy for an aspiring revolutionary gym. The most glowing ferrarese policy takes place in piazza del duomo in Milan where coffee themselves Freemasons, Socialists, anarchists, and radical trade unionists, revolutionary Republicans, passing hours to discuss. At the age of 15 years Italo Balbo made its first appearance at first silent, but without losing the opportunity to have their say. Italo Balbo shows more of his age, although young, athletic and physically strong, his favorite sport is target practice with the rifle, while offering poor evidence as fencer and rider. A Balbo he lacks only the typical goatee who never abandons more after 18 years of age. In 1911 the father decides to send him to Milan, even further from the local Ferrara called coincidentally "Café Milano", and to avoid the long agony of his brother Fausto. In Milan, lives with his brother Edmund who works as a clerk in the nearby village of Greek. Italo do not attend schools, but receives private lessons especially by Professor Artioli, a former priest very cultured who manages to improve the Latino Italo, and strengthen his anticlericalism. Unfortunately in April his beloved brother Fausto dies, Italo is moved into the village of Lugo where he taught Fausto and where exceeds in one fell swoop the last two classes of the gymnasium. In 1915 Italo Balbo is regularly called and sent to the military school of Modena as Officer cadet. After a course of 5 months he was sent as a wannabe "Val Fella Alpini battalion". Spends some months in Carnia with Alpine's battalion "Val Fella" with the rank of second lieutenant asking for a transfer in aviation. In October he was sent to the aircraft depot in Turin. A passion for combat aircraft "that would kill him 23 years later" this time saves his life: transferred to Turin on 22 October 1917, just two days after it begins the Austrian offensive of Caporetto that overwhelms Italian face; the battalion "Val Fella" during the brief but sad defeat vine encircled and mountaineers killed or taken prisoner, Balbo calls again for the transfer to be sent in the trenches, they spend a few months and only on 4 April 1918 was sent back into the Alpine battalion "Pieve of Cadore," but now the situation has stabilised and the Italian soldiers were sent back across the border the Austrian enemy. From now starts the real war of Balbo; He was given command of the battalion's assault Department, to be precise with a group of "daring" devoted to death for the actions of the most dangerous war. Green regimental colors of daring "flames departments stand out from the real body of the arditi" black flames ", as they continue to be part of their Regiment and possess no weapons and special training, but other tasks, characteristics and risks are equal. Tri the months of July and August 1918 Italo Balbo turns military exploits at night "against greatly superior enemy forces" where Balbo and his arditi manage to annihilate the enemy, earning his first silver medal for valour. Soon after the battalion "Pieve of Cadore" back in the rear, but Balbo participates in the final offensive of Grappa and 27 October launches an attack very violent on Mount Valderoa, earning his second silver medal for bravery. Not content with Balbo after few days attacking an enemy outpost defended with machine guns and managed to enter with its bold and conquer the first enemy trench, not content launches his platoon in continuous waves but without realizing all of its soldiers have died and Balbo finds himself alive and alone in the middle of the enemy. You save my life by pretending to be dead throughout the day and recrossing the lines at night. Unable to return to the first trench conquered, not pass even three days that reorganizes and assaults again, for the second phase of a battle that cost the battalion mid organic: 500 men. This time the battle is won permanently. Receives the third medal but for "punishment" is not gold or bronze, but because silver disobedient to the order of the central command to stop on the positions, continuing to chase the fleeing enemy rearguards from Feltre. It is the first Italian to back in the city, where a plaque commemorates still Italo Balbo and his men. After the first world war in the region of Friuli where meanwhile had enrolled at the University founded on 24 August 1919 in the role of Director on military newspaper "Alpino", weekly organ of the Alpine troops still in production in 2011. The Editorial Board is composed exclusively of military and main heading there is printed a large L with the apostrophe and the drawing of a crouching on the alpine peak, ready to shoot and dominated by the motto of "here it goes". Balbo after some editions of the weekly "Alpino" on 5 October 1919 is opposed to the newspaper "Avanti" guilty of having unjustly attacked Benito Mussolini, the first rapprochement between Italo Balbo and Mussolini happens randomly. Italo Balbo sided with Gabriele D'annunzio when you occupying River, claiming that D'annunzio is a better leader than Mussolini. In December 1919 is already psychologically and politically ready for fascism, and between 1920 and 1921 joined the party in a formal and active. Meanwhile put an end to his problems at school in a school examinations, both surpassing para-university summer session in both the final exams with an average of 27. B back in his home town of Ferrara in 1921 where he inaugurated under his direction the first fascist party headquarters, in February of that year he manages to raise the sections but not your subscribers who are only 8000, but it is certain that the enormous success he achieved in a few months make sure to catalyze enormous consensus around fascism throughout Italy and especially in agricultural areas, while until then fascism is a predominantly urban phenomenon: the overall March 1921 members become 187,098 80476 subscribers at the end of may: fascism ferrarese shows throughout the Italian peninsula that "Bolshevism" could be fought and won. The rapid rise of fascism in Ferrara is due the intelligence of Italo Balbo in the open registration of Liberals, popular and agrarian owners. This is not like the so-called "pure fascists" of the first hour, they do not want to become too open to certain social classes, which B did. Olaus G beam first Secretary resigns on those grounds and thereupon follows Alberto Montanari. G back to the Secretary of the bundle only the day after the death of Balbo. Within the fascist party is formed a fracture becomes worse within three years. Mussolini that relies entirely on the industry, has not yet understood the great help that can come from the agrarian situation understanding later. In Ferrara the Socialists and Communists begin for idealism and in retaliation to killing members of the fascist party in the area of agricultural, the reaction of Italo Balbo doesn't wait for blowing up a local civil war bloody and cruel by suppressing 130 Socialist-resulting in destruction of their 42 seats. Balbo has done nothing but use the fascist squads fighting style: no more clashes between small groups, but following an elementary concept of military strategy, namely attacks on forces to get the maximum results in the shortest time and with minimal risk. Shipments of Balbo are composed from 100 squadristi working methodically, blocking access roads in a city or a country scouring every inch every little corner until the last enemy is not discovered. If fascism was born in Milan, is in the city of Ferrara, that is the formula for its success in agricultural and military organization of the agreement of the squads. It is a revolution that has too many points of contact with the reaction and that part of his success is based on a free and often violence, and terrorist squads is certainly a phenomenon unacceptable to any modern democratic conscience, repulsive, but you can't stamp simply with the formula of political violence. The same method that is still used by murderers and violent society, but with the difference that they don't have a charismatic leader, while fascism was unpleasant but also good. Good and righteous as Italo Balbo, exemplary character to understand how a certain social class of that generation with the first world war and a particular type of culture, in the economic and political situation (between the years 1920-1922) can hardly do not get to that kind of political struggle; and how we got here in good faith, often with a clear conscience to perform an act right, proper and necessary. The "Balbo revolutionary" is such only in techniques and almost never in content, conservative and order more than innovative, but man as leader and man of action is inflexible and determined to carry through the conquest of power and in establishing the fascist regime. Neither one nor the other probably occurred, but not in that way and at that time, without the will and determination of balbus, that at least on three occasions in 1922 not yet thirty, marked turning points in the history of fascism and Italy. (1) in July 22 when Mussolini is in talks to enter peacefully in a second Government Facta, Italo Balbo prevents putting fire and sword the Romagna and then forcing the Duce to choose the hypothesis of insurrection. (2) During the March on Rome when Balbo prevents quadrumvirs, others surrender. (3) As founder and coordinator of the "pronouncement of the consuls" pushing Mussolini to establish the dictatorship. Italo Balbo is a very stern, holding in a steely discipline and attention to detail the organisation, but that also corresponds to that image of the leader: beautiful, young, strong and hard always at the head of his troops. Between the months of April and may, the fascist party led by Italo Balbo in Ferrara, is the most powerful of Italy (much to do come Benito Mussolini), on this occasion Balbo and Mussolini meet for the first time. Il Duce arrives in Ferrara to accept the candidacy of 04 April 1922, Balbo prepares events and celebrations such as to leave il Duce stupefied, and prepared the blow to impact: where Mussolini must speak on stage in front of 20000 fascists. Mussolini at that moment is headed for a party (throughout Italy) of just 80000 members and until then never had an auditorium so vast, complimenting Balbo for his abilities. But Balbo that day the excitement stronger the salt (in addition to the meeting with the Duce) when late at night with Mussolini himself go to a secret place where meets his idol, namely Gabriele D'annunzio: and from that moment on the historic day becomes for Balbo and unforgettable. On October 28, 1922 March on Rome takes place. In 1923, squads has now lost what little courageous who own and becomes an absurd massacre. Balbo sort sporadic assaults on popular and increasingly encroaches on high provinces of Emilia, in Veneto and in Mantua. Between late June and early July, accentra even more power into their own hands and provides military structure that keep teams in roughly on a national scale after the establishment of the militia. Each team consists of 10 men, foreman understood; three teams make up a platoon and three platoons in a company. Balbo demanded that everyone has and will be in uniform, trying to organize platoons of motorcyclists and cyclists, To ask the Gunners at least four types of machine guns. Every month order with a circular, which all teams must send a report on weapons, munitions and every 3 months on the clothing, to know if the summer uniforms are too heavy and vice versa if winter uniforms are too light. Italo Balbo doesn't think more instead as Inspector of the Bank, and how he had planned surpasses all fascists including Mussolini himself. The Socialists were defeated, Balbo begins to deal with the agrarians with greater social justice, and presses that fascism seizes Italian State. Balbo joins Mussolini whenever you view hard and intransigent, while the General in command when she approves encircle by upscale people who are close to convenience, in fact sends a letter to Mussolini, writing that the General Headquarters he chairs must be only military mold and get rid of the vultures. Il Duce gets nervous when reading the letter but understands that Balbo speaks truth. Mussolini had "political and military jargon" by Italo Balbo, and is willing to recognize a key role in the fascist party dedicating a photograph in an almost aulatoria writing "brotherly friend Italo Balbo fascist militia leader, magnificent, while awaiting the March Supreme. With admiration, Mussolini "In her entire life from fascist duce is not I've ever released other dedications. Between the years 1922-1923 Italo Balbo publishes a book called "diary", in reality this is not a real diary. B is not a writer but publishes several volumes, works that possess a pleasant style and dry and lacking in his articles and in his speeches: certainly in drafting is aided by a great journalist and his friend In Quilici. Mussolini did not like what Balbus wrote in his book, the Duce doesn't approve of some of his critics. The cited book arouses great scandal in the party, where the criticisms of Balbo give several nuisance to all hierarchs that: o there appear and those mentioned here are described as second-rank figures On January 6, 1922 goes from General Gandolfo, together with the head of the fascist squads toscano Dino Perrone, paving the way for the establishment of the fascist militia and by splitting the command according to a decision already scheduled in November in Milan. The Italy is divided into four inspectorates, Balbo was entrusted with Emilia Romagna, the area of Mantua, Veneto, Trentino, Istria, Zara and le Marche. Another inspection is given to the Roman Ulisse Igliori. If we take into account that Gabriel is a senior General with little political clout, which is not well liked by Perrone Compagni squads toscano "squadristi undisciplined and full of dissidents", and that Igliori is an idealist who after the March on Rome back to insurance Inspector, you see Italo Balbo is regarded the Supreme Chief of the fascist squads, bypassing Mussolini in final decisions. The city of Ferrara is all fascist with a few exceptions: the most annoying is that presented by Don Giovanni Minzoni, a priest for more than 20 years practicing in the town of Argenta in the province of Ferrara. On 23 August 1922 two squadristi fascists such Giorgio Molinari and Vittorio Carey "on its own initiative" assassinate Don Minzoni. Italo Balbo as Roma reaches for Ferrara, where do go down an absolute silence about how they went about facts, two killers don't know anything anymore, in fact, when Balbo knows the performers lets him shoot covertly, because he doesn't want to cast a shadow on his city's fascist party. On 29 September 1924 Italo Balbo now Mr besides Generalissimo "coined after the March on Rome" marries the Countess Emanuella Florio by fine features and look beautiful known when she was just 18 years and the first world war had just ended. The ceremony takes place on the estate of the bride's parents, in Friuli. Emanuella Florio is a clever woman and educated, under its apparent fragility has a strong and determined, never meddle in politics and deprived of her husband, despite all the advice, and always asks him Emauella Balbo is very careful especially not slow him down in his great enthusiasm and the desire to "do" that constitute the dominant aspect of the personality of balbus including also betraying his wife several times even though he loves her more than anything else, then repent and confiding with his closest friends to have sinned. But her husband's habit and not know Pete will tell you anything. The real marriage cornerstone of serenity in life of Italo Balbo was immediately cheered by the birth of his daughter Juliana, in 1926 in 1928 with a second daughter named Valeria and in 1930 with the birth of son Paul. Back from their honeymoon with his wife is a pleasant little surprise; the episode of killer of Don Minzoni, politics and refloated with journalistic skills is by Giuseppe Donati, Director of the popular newspaper "the people" who in 1924 is in possession of important information. The maneuver of Donati is set by the opposition to drop fascism on the "moral issue", relying on memorials (not real) of fascists who have not had their own personal gain, trying to discredit their former party to that point from dropping. The process begins on November 26, and trying to discredit unfairly Italo Balbo by passing it as the instigator of murder of Don Minzoni, Italo Balbo despite having renowned lawyers strangely is not defended well, however manages to demonstrate his unfamiliarity with the murder, although he understands that the mandator is Mussolini. Italo Balbo while remaining the fascist government again for 16 years, he began to distance himself. Balbo begins to criticize and question the location of the General command of the Duce, not endorsing the excessive swelling of the party with the entry of Farinacci calling it a fascist murderer, because as says Balbo "not everyone that think otherwise should be treated in a bad way if not beaten savagely by a killer like Farinacci". For Balbo is a big danger; the party must remain a minority of people determined to do anything to defend fascism and power acquired. 30 years ' is still a fierce opponent and critic of his own party, which contrasts at every opportunity, even if for other reasons as well: stay on a conservative position, B becomes convinced that less fascism gets into economic, military and cultural events, the better. Step, slow and nuanced takes place between 1926 and 1929. Balbo tries to pry from his seat Turati, successor of Farinacci with a completely different one: that of creating a party very politicized able to ideologise and drive increasingly large masses, managing to throw open arms and doorways to peasants and workers. Balbo in a speech holding in front of 30000 people declares "Best small group again, as in the past, but of active faith rather than many weak and wavering spirit, back to being maybe one against ten, as long as it is far away from us, without remission, anyone living in doubt and does not participate in our sacred fire." After that speech known to history, millions of Italians join the fascist party and Balbo since then doesn't want to have anything to do with that party, a right-wing party thread-private battle against mazzinian Farinacci from outside is little apparent: not even one as big as Italo Balbo can afford without risking big to attack the man in charge of restoring "by any means" order using with ease the weapon of expulsion. Only after the fall of Faisal gets up a chorus of invective against the "bastonatore of Cremona". B given its location, railed as discreetly on the fallen enemy, but the hatred between the two (even) explodes in some letters that Farinacci send to Mussolini after the dismissal, and that the same Duce answering the suggests that endorses the ideas of Balbo. Mussolini knowing aviation capacity and its technical and mechanical knowledge of the aircraft in General, on November 6, 1926 entrusts Italo Balbo as Secretary of aviation to evaluate the possible improvement of the Italian air force. Italo Balbo, from recent calculations but it approximations will agree that his predecessor Baloyi has left 800 appliances online and 800 of book which happens to be the second air force in the world, as the United States of America and Britain have both inline and 700 700 in reserve. Only France is higher with in-line appliances 1500 and 4000 in reserve. Data for efficient appliances actually October 31, 1926 "before the handover" are 551. B pull the first sum and reduces this figure to 405, afterwards the 28 November ordered that all planes flying simultaneously rise, orders that the fighters would remain 2 1/2 hours and that all other types of airplanes there remain for 3 hours: a real dress rehearsal after which Balbo writes to Mussolini that "only 200 devices have endured the experiment , and that they were all unarmed, sports planes and unfit to endure a real act of war ". Of efficient planes only 335 405 had risen in flight, but 104 have failed to pass the test for a number of reasons unrelated to the performance of the airplane (lack of pilots, weather conditions and other problems of no small importance), but this did not wrote to Mussolini Balbo. B States that early in his Administration just 300 units are efficient "but no one knows how much and how armed". With regard to military airports, a "relationship older pilots" requested by Balbo reveals a very insufficient: no electrical connection in the workshops "Augusta" where there is no water connection, hangars are all to be reconstructed. Managing Balbo in the air force is very good, being able to bring to more than 3500 fighters on full efficiency and is secured by the company of airplanes that will be built in a few years 2000 hunting Macchi distributed different sites throughout Italy, but war is not an option yet, and after the release of Italo Balbo as supervisor because "mandate to rule Libya" Aviation does not advance in technology, and promises are not retained because during the second world war "due to the inefficiency of his replacement," there will be only one logistics base fighter aircraft Macchi near Monza destroyed almost immediately with the Italian army discovered "bombers" in aerial battles and getting help in several engagements with the enemy. Italo Balbo faithful to the project to develop the massive aviation and to privilege the collective enterprises in early 1928 begins to organize the great cruise in the Western Mediterranean. Approval of Mussolini, Balbo from beginning preparations having not yet no degree of the air force (the air cruise participates in uniform of General of militia) entrusting the De Pinedo, a great Italian plane pilot at the time. The aircraft fleet consists of 51 seaplanes Siai s. 59 (reconnaissance and light bomber biplanes in tandem), N° 8 s. 55 for assistance and transportation of officials and journalists, and a Cant. 22 aviation foreign workers. This formation (the deployment of flight chosen by De Pinedo is particularly complex) must take steps for a total of over 2800 km with a total of 180 people. Starting from this cruise as on subsequent seaplanes are chosen, instead of hearing "earthlings", as it is very common that during long flights the sea planes are in need of land, also the enterprise is assisted from the sea by Navy units and logistic services previously located in the ports of landing: an indispensable condition in an age where weather information are almost nil and with little assistance from the ground. The departure takes place on May 26 and ends on 02 June perfectly without a minimum crash. Never in the world have been attempted flights of that length in the formation of eight planes, the occurrence arouses admiration in particular in Spain and in France. Balbo is quick to stress that the flight will demonstrate the ability of the Italian air force to be out in force over the Mediterranean. As first flight effect the Siai receives numerous commissions of aircraft: from Argentina, Paraguay, Romania, USSR, X men, Turkey, Greece, Poland and Spain. Italo Balbo received many praises from Mussolini and in turn do not skimp to anyone, much less a De Pinedo, which makes him a commendation wrote. Italo Balbo in August 1928 receives the rank of General of the air force, De Pinedo in a matter of months becomes general aviation Division DCOS and Marquis. On September 12, 1929 he was awarded by Mussolini as Minister of Italian aviation. They began with the preparation of the cruise in the Eastern Mediterranean, but meanwhile Italo Balbo tries official cruise in London and in Berlin with a group of 12 aircraft (at 120 and R 22) commanded personally by him. For Balbo should be an efficiency test, and wants on each plane a great driver of World War I. Depart from Turin without hype (for caution and luck of balbus) towards London, where should arrive in training. Instead are lost in the clouds and in the difficulties of the group flight, landing in France, 4 2 in Belgium, one in the Netherlands, the others arrived they all scattered. In London the Italian aviators are still very welcome to Samuel Hoare, Minister of aviation English and Italian colony: in the days following the London Italian beam registers 80 new registrations, despite the partial failure of the cruise. After another miserable stage London Berlin and another very disunited Berlin Rome (two planes are lost, Balbo comes fifth instead of being at the head of the aerial formation), concluding that the pilots who recruited are great when they fly alone, putting effort into finding and build a perfect harmony for the new Squadron. To find the right harmony for the second Mediterranean Cruise it takes a long time, due to the more difficult route and an aerial formation still to be completed. This new aerial cruise instead of the previous one, is prepared in the economy, reducing the maximum assistance from the land and sea, in part because the Navy Chief of staff Admiral Bernotti judges inflexible and poorly usable use of aviation in war long distance companies. To counter these criticisms Balbo for the second cruise chooses the seaplane s. 55 a long burn time. The cruise in the Eastern Mediterranean is composed of 37 s. 55, 2 s. 59 and a Cant. 22 a total of 136 crewmen over the numerous guests. Italo Balbo pilot along with Captain Bitch a s. 55 out of training, and he also brings with him the brother-in-law Cino Florio and an operator of the Istituto Luce. The Commander is virtually De Pinedo but being blown up the conflict between him and Balbo, the actual direction is given to Colonel pilgrims "Chef de Cabinet of Balbo". The cruise takes place from 05 to 19 June with equal efficiency and even greater success than the last. Particular fuss stirs up the meeting between the two regimes that fascist and Communist. The quadrumvirs ammara 15 minutes before the other aircraft and is greeted in a triumphant General Baranov, people's Commissar of the Soviet air force, which makes playing the marcia reale and the international one. Italo Balbo after listening to State "I respect all faiths, when I profess with conviction: I am careful then from them in jest or despise them, the flock from ali tricolori led Bolshevik shores a message of friendship and restart with a dignified response. Needless to overanalyze other items that do not affect us. " The flight which overall had few and insignificant incidents, propaganda, technical and commercial results (the USSR buy now 30 s. 55) and Balbo a coveted award: the award of the trophy of the International League of aviators, but denies requesting that such recognition is given to pilgrims. Italo Balbo decides to attempt the crossing of the South Atlantic toward Brazil. The preparation work is long as it is under construction a new seaplane s. 55TA (Atlantic Haul) with greater autonomy with 8 tanks for a total of 5420 litres of petrol and motor is changed with another twice as powerful. The utmost care is given to the training of pilots and for this purpose is constituted the 93° maritime bombardment group in January 1, 1930 based in Orbetello under the command of Magdalene. The flock consists of 64 men, all volunteers and subjected to a specific training very hard and could only get one free exit every 15 days. Italo Balbo is a very talented and skilled pilot, who becomes outstanding thanks to the experience of the haul; throughout his career he flew for 3000 hours (a good average), and also procures some incidents including one particularly bad: in Naples in June 1930 breaks a hull during take-off and the appliance sinks like a stone to 12 metres, luckily manages to leave the wounded Balbo cockpit destroyed to re-emerge from the life "because if you don't break the cockpit could not exit : enormous water pressure causes the seas. " Italo Balbo during the first Atlantic cruise with him wants his friend bitch "Grand Aviator," Besides Bitch there is the radio operator, Lt. Gaston Venturini and the engineer Gino Calzado. The other two planes are of the "general staff", the squadron of head are controlled by Vale and Magdalene; with them there are other 3 squadrons totaling 12 planes (plus 2) and 48 men. Eight ships of the Navy, plus one for the supplies. Balbo moved to Orbetello on 9 December and 14 December assumes command of the cruise. Departure is on 17 after two days of postponements due to bad weather, but a day earlier than prudence must bring:-a terrific Gale aerial formation almost immediately, and wearied while 8 planes commanded by Magdalene come regularly "although damaged in Los Alcazares in southern Spain, the other group headed by Balbo deviates on the Balearic Islands. The history of Atlantic cruises risk ending up in this manner, both for the impatience of balbus want start at all costs, both for the audacity of Maddalena di will continue: two errors that Balbo does not commit more and that doesn't allow for any reason none of his pilots to commit yet. In the Balearic Islands "which at that time were not yet tourist islands" Balbo succeeds with its drivers to fix the planes by adjusting wooden propellers routes, but his main concern is for the other racers and their comandante Maddalena, Balbo was taken up by the anguish that have crashed into the sea, not wandering of mind can find a telegraph communicating where they were and asking to Magdalene and her Squadron After hours of waiting they give the news "via Telegraph" Maddalena and its pilots are safe and sound with planes all efficient. Balbo telegraphs and says that Mary Magdalene the have to wait Las Alcazares, and with all men available to adjust the planes and you call in flight arriving at destination, where the 21 December share coming regularly in the city of Kenitra "near the Morocco", resuming flight the following day to arrive in the third leg at Villa Cisneros "always in the coasts of North Africa but much more down to Kenitra" December 25, restarting again to land on Christmas day to Boloma, less distant to arrive in Brazil. In Bolama is longer than expected, in preparing the best air fleet to arrive in Brazil: 3000 kilometers, the biggest problem over the same flight, taking off with a load of 3930 kilograms of gasoline; Bitch and Magdalene are running a perfect lift-off test, but it is said that all pilots they do. To lighten the aircraft rescue boats are deleted, he also takes the decision to take off also reserve planes, this must be done at night in order to be able to reach with the light. The departure takes place at 01.30 in the early morning of January 6, 1931 with two days later than the date optimal, choice for the full moon. The departure is harder than expected: a plane crashes into the water shortly after takeoff and the four pilots killed. Another unit is damaged beyond repair with the death of a fifth pilot. A third aircraft. to start at the second attempt succeeds in Valley and reach out to others in the vicinity of Brazil. The flight takes place as expected with favorable wind in the first part, violent rain in the morning and headwind, with new damage to propellers; other two damaged planes give up and ammarano in open ocean. One is dragged in tow for hundreds of miles from a support vessel, settled against the waves, the master decides to make it sink. The other aircraft is towed to 150 miles from Earth, and is saved along with the pilot. The important thing is that there are other victims. The 10 planes were coming in perfect formation in Natal, at an average of 162 kilometers per hour. The grandeur of the enterprise moves around the world making proud Brazilians of Italian descent, equal enthusiasm takes place in Italy. For all school children of Italy B becomes a hero. La Scala in Milan and the Teatro Reale dell'Opera di Roma stop their representations as soon as comes the awaited news, Balbo come thousands of telegrams from all over the world, but the most beautiful is the telegram which sends him Gabriele D'Annunzio. Mussolini prudently, expects the cruise terms in praise. The 11 January takes place the stage Natal-Bahia, then to Rio, where one million people waits for dancing and singing on the beach. In their honor Balbo investigates a wonderful scene: the escort ships and planes entering at once into the harbor at 17.00 o'clock 15 January coming greeted by an endless chiming and a deafening salvo of cannon fire. Only at this point Mussolini telegraphs personally to Balbo, the entire team of pilots and planes to Maddalena and bitch. On 7 February the "Atlantic Hero" so they are called Balbo and the other components of the air Squadron after 20 days of incessant bewildered by legendary company festivities, they embark on a ship bound for Italy. The planes from the short stay in Brazil were all sold. Disembark in the port of Genoa where other festivals. For all awards, pilots a gold medal, Balbo's are given numerous international awards. After the big enterprise is built on Bolama a monument to remember the fallen, and can still be seen: built with a large bundle of travertine to see two wings of aircraft, a stretched skyward, the other shattered to the ground. On a wreath of bronze posted at the base, it says "Mussolini Bolama war". The preparatory work for the second Atlantic cruise is made starting in 1932 by Italo Balbo. The preparation is done in detail, but the program is slipping in 1933, the cruise is still called "the Decade": 10th anniversary of Foundation of aviation. Balbo requires important changes to the s. 55TA: giving birth to a new model called s. 55 x (where X stands for decades) with metal propellers, tanks with higher payload capacity (5070 liters) a different radiator, some structural change but also a new engine. The engine to Fiat in the first Atlantic cruise 22 R ... had gone fairly well, but with the decision "set from B" to install more powerful engines, the race narrows between the new engine Fiat a. 24 R and the Isotta Fraschini Asso 750 R, both of 11 horses. The Isotta Fraschini meanwhile was bought by Caproni with further improvement of motor ACE. Mussolini is encouraged by friend and Senator Agnelli because its airplane engine Fiat a. 24 R is purchased, Balbo he doesn't like people nagging and recommended by choosing the engine that gives more guarantees, and after many hours of flight and resistance the choice falls on motor Ace of Caproni and motorists are sent to Milan to follow closely the production of other aircraft. The trump card of balbus concerning this second flight across Atlantic, is sending trusted pilots to study the climatic conditions of the corresponding season upon departure, pick the best spots for ditching and takeoff, to establish radiotelegrafici and assistance centres, meteorologists varies. Are rented six whalers, with commanding officers of the Italian Navy to relocate along the way, along with two submarines and three military vessels, as a real guide to planes. On June 12, 1933 in Orbetello air base is ready, but the weather is not good for the start. Departure is on 01 July, arriving in Amsterdam a plane crashed badly spilling and the flight engineer unfortunately dies. The appliance is replaced by seaplane. On 02 July second regular stop up to Londonderry (in Ireland), on 05 July new departure towards the town of Reykjavik (capital of Iceland); for seaplanes are immersed in fog, but the presence at sea of the first whaleman Commons allows a regular flight. Landed in the capital of Iceland, Balbo and his drivers they stop for 6 days due to bad weather, and only on 12 July aerial Squadron depart for the hardest stage, up to Cartwright in Labrador. The 12 hour flight are executed perfectly, without incident, and all the men out of the appliances in black shirt under his suit. The three stages subsequent to Chicago (U.s.a) are short flights, almost to allow United States of America to recover from surprise and preparing the festivities that are above all imagination. In Chicago (chosen as final leg) because we held the World Expo and you have to inaugurate a monument to Christopher Columbus, the Atlanteans are immediately taken with a large motorcade through the streets crammed crowd in a stadium filled with tens of thousands of people. The Mayor of Chicago announced that that day is proclaimed forever "Italo Balbo's Day" and that the City Council decided to name the seventh Street in his name. Italo Balbo makes other speeches and other festivities, and then receive an honoris in science (another is attributed in the city of Padua after his return to Italy). Balbo and his wing depart on July 19 from Chicago and after 4 hours or so come to New York, with 24 sea planes in perfect formation over the skyscrapers. City traffic stops, they all face at the window, in the port the ships rings with a single loud whistle salute, the banks of the Hudson where the fleet ammara are overcrowded. The climax occurs when Italo Balbo is brought to Madison Square Bowl of Long Island (at that time the largest stadium in the United States of America), capable of holding within 200,000 places "the stadium is jam-packed," while many other viewers are outside trying to get in. In an era not yet accustomed to a stardom of large masses pushed to extremes, can do almost no impression of haul themselves. Balbo arrives after usual triumph in car on Broadway, the streets are full of people screaming revelers, cars still emit sounds with clacsons, the New York orchestra that plays for Balbo is an incredible joy, Balbo before making the speech must wait more than 30 minutes. The comment written by Balbo, given the predictable rhetoric of that era is also logged, flat voice begins to speak "Italians of New York, our comrades, people of my blood and my faith. God granted the Atlantic team to disband the vote: the streets of heaven, from Rome to America, we take the salute of Mussolini's Italy. Our 48 engines have come down on you to feel, in the sky of metropolis, the throb of the fatherland, throb of steel and fire. Be proud to be Italian, o people, and especially our overseas workers from unbreakable and simple heart, because it represented love and pride of the Duce, you who are believers and fruitful, you who have the genius and the patience of the builders of Rome! " "Mussolini has closed question time humiliation: being Italian is a title of honor. Fifty million Italians continue their March through the streets of Earth, sea and sky: but in the name of Rome and in command of a great leader: no more rabble, Italy is the army of civilization on their way through the streets of the world "Guests of Great America, be elected part of the old and new Homeland: observe his laws to be respected; enhanced along with the Tricolor, the beautiful starry banner: for years and years they are intertwined in the wind, it never passed the disunirà, I never will in the future "with my brave pilots oceanic allotment early for Lido di Roma; If God will give us the good fortune to arrive, tell the Duce you Italians of New York, you are at the height of the fate that he prepares to Italy "in the first draft of the speech, references to Mussolini had to be only two, then increased to four: a deaf effect internal struggle had in those days between Balbo and Mussolini. Balbo is sick of Mussolini and his envy, I don't consider a leader live up to guide Italy. Mussolini made it known to Italo Balbo, its not a sport flying and you don't have to bear by the President of the United States of America, B goes to the capital of Washington where Roosevelt invited him and welcomes him like an old friend in the White House where they have lunch together. On 25 July the wing breaks down, and in two quick steps arrive in Shoal Harbor, on the extreme eastern tip of the island of Newfoundland. B want to share two days later for 3000 Km pulled up in Ireland, but for 10 days on the ocean there are 8-9 force sea storms and gales with the aggravating circumstance of thick fog and at night there are in Ireland. Mussolini telegraphs to Balbo asking him to go to Ireland, Balbo instead the 8 August part with all 24 planes towards the Azores where ammarano quietly, to distribute the next day where unfortunately happens a second incident: a seaplane capsizes and his pilot died, while all other units are already in flight for Lisbon where they arrive safely. From Lisbon the entire Squadron captained by Balbo triumphantly arrives in Rome at the mouth of the Tiber at 17.35 of 12 August. Balbo gets off the plane and Mussolini unexpectedly embraces him and kisses him. B together with the other riders parade through Rome in celebration, but the real triumph takes place on 13 August. After receipt of the Atlanteans at the Quirinale framed militarily in full dress white, go to piazza Venezia and fori imperiali. Shortly after Mussolini on the Palatine promotes all participants in the aerial cruise and delivery to Balbo his cap to Air Marshal. The day after Balbo gets a visit from the King of Italy who congratulates and loosens the Atlantic team. B never comes back to Orbetello as Minister. Italo Balbo doesn't forget pilots died in all the country and their families, sending him personally every 4 months a lot of money, and going to their homes to bring what little moral solace. Speaking to members of his family in a calm is unleashed by declaring that the policy doesn't care anymore, that Mussolini is bringing to ruin Italy and what he cares most is to improve the air force but also to put her hand in the other corps, particularly the Alps. This statement by Balbo in the family indicates a very specific mood and a breakthrough: in those years from 1928 onwards stop believing in "fascist revolution" as unable to operate substantial changes, but they do not believe that those changes are appropriate. Il Duce Meanwhile envious of Balbo "a fact verified by history" takes away the Air Ministry, taking in his hands without weakening them and unify the three ministries: the Ministry of war, the Admiralty and as mention above that of the air force, writing the next day a letter communicating "because the Marshal of Italy finishes its five-year term as Governor of Libya Badoglio , to take his place; Thanks to your degree, your past and your businesses that have given glory to Italian Wing (air force) and prestige to the nation". Il Duce committed the biggest mistake against Balbo, second only to the Alliance with Hitler. In the period that Italo Balbo is in command of Italian aviation, turns out to be one of the best aerial fleets in the world, and Italo Balbo can be considered without doubt the father of Italian aviation. The air force is entrusted to Riccardi and later to General Valley, which does not bring improvements but involuntarily "mainly because of Mussolini" worsens greatly. Balbo's anger is deep, inconsolable, and many have suspected that ponders something. Declares that no longer wants to go to the Grand Council. But the January 15, 1934 arrives in Libya as Governor, one of his first measures was to change his title to that of Governor-General of Libya. When Balbo arrives in Libya rebellion is completely tamed by at least two years, but is to discount the weight of what has happened before, and I expect great sympathy by survivors Libyans. Closes for the five concentration camps (against the wishes of Mussolini) and encouraged in every way refugee return from Egypt and Tunisia, promising cattle and food to those who return. Balbo expels with disgrace from Libya Graziani who fought under the command of the troops with camels Workin' the Libyan tribes at that time enemy (as in any war), but killing unarmed women and children in the villages. B before sending it away from Libya summons him and tells him that a "butcher of Duce". It is clear that Italo Balbo wants to try to form in Libya a nation that belongs to Italy, but at the same time independently in order to organize and overturn Mussolini in Italy. Italo Balbo in Tripoli recreates the beloved family atmosphere and friendship which cannot do without. The father died in 1931, his mother does not feel like moving from Ferrara, the sisters Maria Trieste and Eagle (last born when he is) his brother Edmund, his nephew (son of his brother and his mentor Fausto, failed prematurely) with his wife Giuliana and friends Clerics, Henry Barrows (two former Feds of Ferrara), John Scola-Camerini the great Aviator bitch and Girardenghi: while others his two faithful friends Tassotti and Parham makes him stay still in Rome to see how does the Duce and act accordingly. Balbo began to devote time to the great agricultural colonization and local crafts. In 1933 (before his arrival) in Libya came to visit only 8000 tourists (after landing) in 1934 tourists into Libya become 40000, will increase. Balbo does build 12 new hotels really beautiful, all controlled by the hospitality of Libya, with very low prices and beneficial. Air and sea communications boosts later creating many events that can invoke travellers and focus on its colony: the fair of Tripoli, aviation, motorcycle, racing, the lottery millions, scientific congresses, a literary prize and adding other less obvious but important initiatives. Every occasion is good to do cross the sea to Italians and foreigners: the Eucharistic Congress, a gathering of alpini, the presence at the invitation of famous sport stars or of Royal Princes. All return at home surprised and pleased for the efficiency of a State controlled by Balbo with determination and elegance. Italo Balbo now "fired" from the Air Ministry, coming to Libya is a new lens to make Libya a nation colonised, a jewel of North Africa. Balbo in a speech in Tripoli said that "If the Duce continue to follow his desperate politics brings Italy to ruin", and not a day goes by Mussolini know his opinion, through letters and telegraph. In fact completely ignores the war of Spain, and as regards the war in Ethiopia Balbo is poor and unhappy. With the conquest of Ethiopia, the Kingdom of Libya takes second place (after the conquest of the Italian army of the new colony) to make it efficient il Duce spends 68 billion lire, while for Libya it is spent 2 billion. Balbo manages to build the new road of 800 Km crossing (about 600 Km) the desert of Sidra; work began in the spring of 1935 with an appropriation of EUR 103 million lire, distributed entirely on 10-year budget of the colony, whereby cost nothing Italian State. For this job are taking part in 11 companies coordinated by 45 officers civil engineering, over 1000 workers 11000 Libyans and Italian workers. The biggest problem is ensuring the survival of the workers in the almost 600 Km of desert sirtico, where in summer the temperature reaches 49 degrees in the shade. The Libyan labor has a regular contract ranging from 6 to 12 livres a day against the 25-30 pounds of Italian workers, and this allows the cheapness of the work, in spite of the 50 Lira in advance that are given to the workers to leave the family, Libyans, at some point the workers leaving the work Libyans tell B "there is Arabic for the poor that is , which at the beginning of the rains do not fall in search of land on which to sow the seeds of a seed of barley ". This is so innaturato in the spirit of these people, whose wealth is based on cereal sowings and cattle raising. Balbo tries with every possible measure to stop the exodus by the shipyard workers who want to go to sow, to prevent setbacks. But many manage to escape from the yards at night, taking into account that during the traditional Ramadan fast are so exhausted that fail to work. Working with a few months late comes to an end at the beginning of 1937. The road is to cost 100,000 livres per kilometre, overcoming considerable engineering problems, with 65 houses mender doubles for two families who must take over the maintenance. A Large part of the track in the Gulf of Sirte, a 30 metre tall arch designed by Fausto remembers "the Majesty of the Empire regained". Italo Balbo calls il Duce to inaugurate the street (despite the very harsh letters between Balbo and il Duce, is not an excuse to make peace, but it has already been agreed before the construction of the road). During the ceremony of March 12, 1937 "journalists near Mussolini" speak of Italo Balbo smiling and happy to see him smiling, even some photos are taken with Balbo, nothing further from the truth. Italo Balbo welcomes il Duce with military honors, but instead of printing pro-Mussolini, Balbo remains almost always serious and sometimes looks badly, this is written and reported by the American press, English, French and Swedish. The Duce is delivered "the sword of Islam" (specially packaged by Florentine goldsmiths and armourers) in a large clearing which holds all the 800,000 inhabitants of Libya. Mussolini is forced to fall three days earlier, to the unfavourable outcome of the battle of Guadalajara in Spain. Italo Balbo does not show up at his departure, avoiding to greet him. Shortly after italo Balbo built villages, where the population is made up of a few hundred people, with a town hall, a hospital, a church, a post office, a police station, a place to drink coffee, a cooperative of consumption, a market and several shops. In the countryside are constructed thousands of rural houses consisting of three rooms, a kitchen, a backyard, a toilet and a shower; What is surprising about these buildings and architectural beauty. While Balbo does immigration plans: up to 4000 new settlers arrived 1937 (but is still too little), Balbo to need a large immigration to populate the Libya, which can constitute a propaganda success: it increases dramatically the concessions of terrain, and according to his plans by 1943 in Libya would have been 100,000 settlers. The project is announced in May 1938, an army of workers is almost over 33000 to build to find everything ready in the chosen date of 28 October, while in Italy you recruit colonists. The arrival of the Italian colonists in Libya uncomfortable peasants Libyans, simply for fear of losing all their lands and work. Balbo's policy towards Arabs is a benevolent and liberal paternalism not entirely disinterested, he understands that the growing Arab nationalism arrives in Libya, and not by being excessive illusions on the fidelity of the Libyan population, seeks to limit any effects in the only reasonable way: improving living conditions and ruling with the velvet glove , leaving freedom to the traditions and Islamic religion, making rebuilding mosques that Graziani has destroyed, and reconstructing "squares of prayer" of Gypsies. Also establishes the school of Islamic culture in Tripoli by banning the sale of alcohol during Ramadan, and built hundreds of wells containing water exclusively for nomads. Also in 1938 realizes an ancient dream of many Italians and many Libyans: the four northern provinces (Tripoli, Misurata, Benghazi and Derna), become to all intents metropolitan territory, the 17th Italian region. La quinta immense desert province, remains under military jurisdiction. The measure is decided by the Grand Council simultaneously with the departure of 20000 settlers from Italy. In Rome on October 26, Balbo hopes to gain much more from the now enemy Mussolini and fellow members of the Grand Council: granting Italian citizenship to the vast majority of the Libyan population, but recently the racial laws were passed and the proposal is not accepted. The bold proposal anti-racist is rejected. But B does not accept no for an answer, and returns a month later in Rome with a more moderate project that is welcomed. Before issuing the second judgment, Balbo declares "if my answer is not taken into account for the second time, being the Governor of Libya accept it." Mussolini fears very Italo Balbo and always said it is the only one able to assassinate him. For this reason the second proposal of Balbo is accepted by Mussolini, in spite of the negative opinions of Mussolini), and pro-Nazis. Cyan, Starace and Alfieri (all part of the Grand Council of Mussolini), and pro-Nazis. Galeazzo Ciano shares with the Alliance with Hitler, Mussolini and realizes her mistake too late (mostly for his life), being shot the 11 January 1944 for treason, for allegedly giving information to the British. In the summer of 1938 are promulgated the first racial laws, causing discomfort and dismay in Italy. Italo Balbo comes to the defense of the Jews and does not accept the racial laws imposed by the Fascist Government of Mussolini. The Tel Aviv newspaper print notes with admiration the Jewish wire location B. His defense of the Jews even before the racial laws is that (with opposite intentions), a Nazi priest and Jewish Tel Aviv newspaper claim that he himself is Jewish. When Balbo arrived as Governor of Libya, is a situation not bella who two years previously had irritated the Jews: Jewish boys had been removed to the prerogative not to go to school on Saturdays and to respect Catholic holidays. Balbo after being undermined by two months change the laws imposed by Badoglio, and sent out a measure where both Jews and Muslims can celebrate and pray according to their religion, and staying at home in the Catholic holidays, if they so wish. Mussolini wants to deport (on Hitler's idea), Jews living in Libya. The January 19, 1939 Italo Balbo writes a letter to Mussolini very hard in defense of the Jews who live in Libya "Mussolini you're demonstrating a man arrogant and shortsighted, the Jewish population remains and will always remain in Libya, since the time of Augustus have always enjoyed the protection of the Romans, in Italy have always deemed protected by building schools and spreading our Italian language still, they are men who live and work in their workshops, and though many are rich and miserly is hardly a crime, do you think your master Hitler isn't". The December 27, 1939, Balbo visited Marshal Maxime Weygand, Commander of the army of the Levant and Supreme Commander of the French army in May 1940. Weygand said rumors about aircraft programs, maintaining later with Italo Balbo a match in which Italy and France is hopeful that says they can fight together. B United States of America to understand that it does not concern "for now" get into an almost certain second world war, and by "messages to America" through the famous journalist and Special Envoy Hubert Renjro Knickerbocher, manages to be interviewed by another great reporter, X men K.H.V. Wiegand meets December 23, 1939 and that interviewing Italo Balbo, writes "Italo Balbo was really friendly with me; is a man determined to take actions that can turn against, but B doesn't know what fear is, but it seems very thoughtfully and restless ". These phrases of balbus, are part of a long interview that comes after a week in the prestigious journal of the New York Times, giving the desired effect from Balbo: who declares pro-American, who hates Hitler, which is against the racial laws as so many other good soldiers and people who do not think like fascist Mussolini. On June 10, 1940 the Fascist Italy entered the war, after Germany there is already entered in September 1939 by invading Poland. Libya wants to declare independent from Italo Balbo Italy of Mussolini, and agree with France and Great Britain for an absolute neutrality, having witnessed firsthand the inability to save his colony, between 16 June 17, 1940 and looks up a "separate peace". Is recalled to Rome and Mussolini asks loyalty in a difficult moment, Balbo tells him "a difficult situation you have created you, I disagree with your Alliance with Hitler, a good idea that you could create is the Alliance with Britain and France, or you could do like Franco who has asked for our help in Spain , and then press "on inquiry" that wouldn't fit into no Alliance in this world war, performing an act cowardly towards you, these are your allies, remember you are a revolutionary fascist right and fair that hates the Nazis and are pro-American. " Mussolini acknowledges that B you never approved in part its policy and not at all over the last 7 years "since Italo Balbo became Governor of Libya," Mussolini insists quietly to defend Libya from attacks British, Balbo responds "I'm Italian and I will defend Libya with their blood". Balbo returns to his Libya, and this is the last time you meet with il Duce. The first day of the war, Badoglio knowing the propensity of Italo Balbo on the offensive, the telegraphs reminding him that he must keep his troops on the defensive. The 11 July is the British to attack first in Libya with three bombings in the El Adem, at 20 Km from Tobruk. Balbo is furious and Telegraphs to Badoglio saying "The Italian army has always been noted for his heroism thanks to his soldiers, corporals, sergeants, lieutenants and captains, but unfortunately the Italian army is also known for having a bad and inept commanders and generals like you Dear Badoglio, in Libya the war leads Italo Balbo". Spend two days and the British attack again, destroying 5 trucks Italians with a group of armoured cars, which are themselves put out of Commission with anti-tank mines, the English soldiers come out of their armoured cars and are killed. Italo Balbo from 1937 continues to take some suitable material if the Italy entered the war, but his demands are never taken into consideration, no known quarrel with the Duce, but precisely because Italy does not have the means to face a war. On June 21, 1940 Italo Balbo is about to land in the town of Bin el Gobi when he sees a British armoured car "travelling at 50 Km per hour," hold on, makes a turn and landed near an Italian camp: where to order about ten soldiers to follow him, approaching the armored cars the two English soldiers come out afraid, Balbo remains amazed because machine guns work and British soldiers taken from the heat and fear wasn't shot. In that behavior of balbus much recklessness, a heroic capomanipolo behavior, but on the other hand the episode goes around the world giving Italo Balbo further popularity, and uplifting Italian troops, so much so that the British armoured car is transported from one point to another of the front, because the soldiers and military mechanics will study both the strengths that the weaknesses. On June 28, 1940, a Friday, seems a happy day for family B, the next day is the tenth birthday of the third son Paul, and you decide to celebrate it before (knowing that Italo Balbo for reasons of war, will not be present). On that day must reach the advanced field of Sidi Azeis not far from Tobruk and visiting Libyan division, but is actually a pretext to hit the British armoured cars stationed in the area of Sollum. Balbo gets joined by another Italian aircraft in the area of Sidi Azeis, where you have to reunite with five fighter escort. During the flight as soon as news came in of the bombardment of Tobruk, they decide to land warning with the Telegraph. The radio operator receives the message and ensures that alerts the nearest Navy command (Antiaircraft defence depends), but this is not because of the British bombardment (the switchboard operator who has to report the message to the Italian air force, has brought in the bomb shelter). Among the many theories: the major responsible for the accidental death of Italo Balbo seem to be this unknown sailor and his immediate superiors. The two s. 79 of Balbo and Leek depart from Derna at 17.00 hours. On the plane of balbus, apart from the second pilot Frailich there are the flight engineer and radio operator Calzado Berti, a narrow space Qulici and grandson flax, the brother-in-law Cino Florio and old friends ferraresi carts and Bao. At 17.30, the two planes coming into view of the airport to Ain el Gazala where they land, but at 17.10 nine British planes began to bomb the airport of Tobruk. Balbus in tersissimo sky sees a lot of smoke due to fires that come from the East, caused by bombing British, and continues its flight to Tobruk to 1000 meters above sea level. Balbo's plane has three engines known to all Italian soldiers and, in particular, from the AA, B goes where there are British planes can take down one, the second plane piloted by Porro brings you close to the plane of balbus making signs to make them divert the route, but strangely Italo Balbo was hit many times by flak italiana , Leek cannot do anything anymore in that sees Balbo staring blankly run where you fight is the fate of a man who still want to be there all the time. The Italian anti-aircraft strikes back for no reason and Italo Balbo crashes to the ground, it is impossible to approach the plane that burns all night with its 7000 litres of petrol, between bursts of bullets and grenades that has inside the airplane. Only in the morning of the day after "the day of the 11th birthday of his son Paolo" it shall approve of the bodies completely charred. The body of Balbo is recognized by a denture. According to Italo Balbo's plane Leek could not be not recognized by flak Italian, because you knew and why coming in the combat zone had quickly downed a British aircraft, and in response he had taken of the bullets. The three engines of Italo Balbo as described by Porro was struck in incendiary cartridges, accusing the Italian anti-aircraft tank "Wizard in those days graduated from Germans" of having deliberately hit the s. 79 to kill Italo Balbo. The 90% Italian and foreign historians agree on the assumption, that Italo Balbo was deliberately assassinated, on orders from Hitler to Mussolini to accomplish his will. After a few days after his death, Mussolini declares that Italo Balbo's "a nice Alpine, a Grand Aviator, an authentic revolutionary. The only one who would be able to kill me". Italo Balbo was a great man with a code of honor, a big Italian hero, a great Alpine, an outstanding Airman, father of Italian aviation, an anti-Nazi and pro-American, a great statesman, State (see how it governed very well in Libya). The only real, revolutionary and fascist racial laws, which in the 1930s thought really overthrow the Duce. Italo Balbo should not be forgotten, but it has to be remembered as one of the greatest Heroes of all time with a Renaissance style Italian warlord.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.