Biography of Rosy Bindi

Biographies of historical figures and personalities

The construction of the evolution of the left

February 12, 1951 Maria Rosaria Bindi was born in Sinalunga, a town in the province of Siena, on 12 February 1951. His childhood flows peacefully in a Catholic family composed of parents and an older sister. He graduated in political sciences at Luiss University in Rome and became an Assistant of Professor Vittorio Bachelet, Italian jurist and politician. Bachelet is a master of law for Rosy apart from being his political inspiration. On 12 February 1980, his birthday, are located at the Sapienza University of Rome and while chatting after a lesson, Bachelet is hit by several gunshots fired by Anna Laura Braghetti exponent of the Red Brigades and among participants in the kidnapping of Aldo Moro, father of Bachelet. Bachelet died instantly and the attack leaves an indelible mark in Rosy Bindi that continues its political engagement after the tragic event. Already at that time plays in the Catholic Association following the inspired change imposed by Bachelet to the Association and from 1984 to 1989 he has been a national Vice-President; role that lets get officially in political career. In fact, she was elected a member of the European Parliament for the Christian Democrats in the constituency of North East receiving 211,000 preferences. Thus becomes one of the landmarks of the Crusader shield party in Veneto. During this time he faces the storm of Tangentopoli which destroys much of his party. Promotes a change supporting the project of Fermo Mino Martinazzoli and Ppi, and from 1992 to 1999, he made his career by helping to build a bridge between the Center and the Italian left. In this way leads along with Romano Prodi and Nino Andreatta the way for creation of the olive tree. She was elected Deputy of the Italian Republic in 1994 and faces a bitter battle and without discounts on the first Berlusconi Government. In 1996 the the Ulivo Coalition wins the election and Rosy Bindi, she was appointed Minister for health. During this time he faces an extensive reform of the national health service was not without controversy and criticism by the opposition and by the Guild of doctors. Also addresses the issue of Bella on cancer treatment that your doctor modenese had prepared and which becomes the object of attention of the press and of thousands of sufferers. In 2000 he resigned from ministerial office but was re-elected in 2001 to the Chamber of deputies in the ranks of the opposition. Now focuses his energies for the building of a political entity, the olive tree, which has program and status from real structured movement and no more than simple electoral cartel. Just as a function of this project participates in the Daisy Foundation where he became one of the leaders. From there begins to build a dialogue between Catholics and secularists in order to create an Alliance that would make the center-left winning successive elections. In 2006 the Chamber of Deputies is elected and immediately appointed Minister for family policies in the second Prodi government. Its activity is focused in creating conferences and meetings on this issue, favoring the first National Conference on the family. In 2007 participates in the Foundation of the Democratic Party where he became Executive. His figure plays a decisive role in the dialogue with the moderate forces of the Centre and by virtue of the attention that his role is receiving is a candidate in the primaries of 2007 coming second. Pier Luigi Bersani in 2009 supports the Secretariat of the party and was named Vice President. Since 2008 he is Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies and member of the Democratic Party. Rosy Bindi is not married and has no children.

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