What is the Meaning & Definition of anxiety disorder

It is called as anxiety disorder one of the most common mental disorders that we can get people and rightly characterized by the presence of abnormal and compounded of fear and anxiety and that as a result ends up generating an imbalance in behavior and in the sense of the person concerned. According to the specialists these disorders can be of various types, including, no doubt, he has generalized anxiety disorder, also known by its acronym as TAG.
Characterized because the person has a constant anxiety and that extends over the long term and a cause can not be identified concrete for the same, i.e., there is a fear for something but not it can specify, identify what is. Of course this becomes the inability to behave in a normal manner and for example focus on what takes place and then everything happens to revolve around the anxiety that you have.
It is usual that TAG appears accompanied by various physical symptoms such is the case of headache, insomnia, dizziness, palpitations, among the most frequent.
In regards to the causes there are many reasons that can trigger to the TAG, causal genetic, predisposition is inherited to suffer it because a parent has suffered from them at some point; be going through a box of depression as a result of a very sad or unpleasant event, such as death of a loved one in an unexpected manner.
And stress, a common condition of our day and that contributes a lot, especially at the highest levels, to develop these disorders. When the person is under very strong in his work, in his study, pressure because you want to and they also drive the to achieve the proposed goals, many times, not leave room for relaxation and rest, to decompress as it is usually, and then these boxes appear.
It should be noted that while these disorders are not a new condition of these times, yes have extended consultations and medical treatments because of them. Psychotherapy with a therapist specializing in this area and in some cases that required specific medication prescription, are the two most common forms of treating them and find them a solution.