What is the Meaning & Definition of child labour

Child labour is considered any activity that children carry out to contribute to the family economy, or failing that, to ensure its own survival. Meanwhile, another very common situation is for children to work when they are not old to do so because someone forces them to do so, father, mother, a brother, a friend, or any other close relative, with some authority over them, threatens them to some question, for example, that will hit them, but do not go out to work.
Of course, once the child returns with the revenues, none of this will be in their hands, but they must give it all the person who forces them to work. The child almost never receives some kind of benefit from the money he earned working, because in reality, who submits it is who keeps it to invest in issues that have little to do with the welfare of the family, such as: drugs, alcoholic beverages, among others.
In the majority of cases of child labour, children are forced to play armed very risky activities for his life such as theft, drug trafficking, prostitution, among the most recurrent.
With respect to the causes that trigger child labour, there are many, but the most common are: marginalization and extreme poverty of the family to which it belongs, which forces the child to go find their own means the economic livelihood, networks of child exploitation, which co-opt the poor children with needs, armed conflict, are also a breeding ground for children are abused thousands of ways peer group pressure, i.e., some children are forced by friends to work to get money that allows them to meet their needs, as a result of the negligence of parents and orphans, not having older adults who guide them and protect, inevitably, leads to such a scenario.
Figures provided by UNICEF about this reality are alarming, approximately 346 million boys and girls are in this unfortunate situation.
Should be noted that child labour is to prevent a child behave as such and display those activities that are considered typical of their age: study and play.
Although child labour or exploitation of children, as also referred to this situation, affects especially those countries in developing, not so in industrialized countries is no longer a reality. Unfortunately, in recent years, child labour is also a reality of the developed countries.
Aiming to raise awareness to the world about this scourge that grows every day throughout the world is that you established a day calendar, April 16, to remind the thousands and thousands of cases that exist around the world.