What is the Meaning of experiences | Definition and Concepts

Life is a long-haul road, a life experience that every human being lives as protagonist in first person. Each lived moment is an experience that enriches the human heart thanks to the value of the experience. There are experiences of all kinds but a general outline can be classified into two large planes. Pleasant experiences associated with a source of joy and bitter experiences caused by a source of pain and sadness that left a painful memory in the memory. The experiences are intimate, i.e. no one can know as well as her own life experience.
The subjective experience of the experiences
But thanks to the communicative capacity of a human being, a person can also share their experiences with the
relatives and close friends. A person can count her best friend what has been your experience about a heartbreak, for example through the subjective account of this history.
In addition, the personal experiences may also show through the written expression through the practice of intimate and personal journaling. There are famous faces who also decide to publish his memoirs chronicling the most outstanding experiences of her autobiography.
Apart from the nature of the experiences, a person can interpret a fact in a way or another entirely through his attitude. In fact, the emotional color of a same experience can also change depending on the time.
The effect of the passage of time
For example, a heartbreak hurts significantly in initial stage after the disappointment and rupture of couple, however, with the passage of time perspective, this pain begins to subside to the point that, the person can get to laugh even at itself to relativize those experiences which in the past could do with some drama.
The experiences are memories that a person acquires in his life. Experiences that in many cases, are linked to the memory of those who participate in these experiences. Ultimately, the experiences are an emotional treasure that is invaluable since every memory is a way to somehow capture a moment that has had a special value.