Andrés Quintana Roo | Notable Biographies

(30/11/1787 - 1851/04/15)

Andrés Quintana Roo
Mexican politician

He was born on November 30, 1787 in the city of Merida, Yucatan.
Son of José Matías Quintana and María Ana Roo.
An association that advocated by the Suppression of the indigenous servility and against the privileges to the Spanish Crown was formed in 1802 in Yucatan . Called St and the father Andrés Quintana Roo formed part of it along with Lorenzo de Zavala.
He studied at the Seminary of San Ildefonso of his hometown, in 1808 he moved to the city of Mexico to study at the Royal and Pontifical University of the new Spain.
He also studied Bachelor of Arts and cannons, and graduating from lawyer, was intern in the law firm of Agustín Pomposo Fernández.
He met Leona Vicario, who was uncle of the referred lawyer, enemy of the insurgents. The young fell in love of the young lady and was reciprocated, asked permission to lawyer Fernández to marry his niece, who was denied permission.
Quintana Roo joins the insurgent and Leone provides services to independence. Discovered in 1813, she was imprisoned in the Colegio de Belén, where managed to escape and escape to Tlalpujahua, where married don Andrés. She gave birth in a cave. They were surprised in the sierra de Tlatlayain Sultepec and Quintana Roo escapes, leaving written a letter, which requested the pardon, so his wife handed over it to be apprehended. The viceroy granted clemency to marriage and they are established in 1818, in the City of Mexico, where is dedicated to the office of lawyer and to write literary and historical works.
The triumph of independence was a Deputy, Senator, President of the Supreme Court of Justice , and Secretary of Foreign Affairs during the Government of Valentín Gómez Farías.
Andrés Quintana Roo died on April 15, 1851, in the City of Mexico. His remains rested in the Column of independence from 1925 until May 30, 2010, the date on that were transferred to the National Museum of history.