Angel Saavedra Duque de Rivas | Notable Biographies

(1791/03/10 - 1865/06/22)

Angel María de Saavedra y Ramírez de Baquedano
Duque de Rivas
Spanish dramatist and poet

He was born on March 10, 1791 in a Cordoba aristocrat family.
Attended studies at the seminar of noble of Madrid and later entered in the army. He excelled in the war of independence against the French in 1808. His friendship with Manuel José Quintana oriented him towards arts and liberal political participation.
Ferdinand VII
It sentenced him to death but he escapes to London where he met the work of Shakespeare, Walter Scott and lord Byron; He was then in France, Italy and Malta. He returned to Spain in 1834 after the death of the King and participated fully in political life; He was Ambassador to France, President of the Council of State (1863) and director of the Royal Spanish Academyfrom 1862 until his death.
Its started in the literature did so with a book of poems, poems (1814), neoclassical, perhaps by the influence of the Spanish poet Manuel José Quintana.