Antonio Caso | Notable Biographies

(1883/12/19 - 1946/03/06)

Antonio Caso
Mexican writer and philosopher

He was born on December 19, 1883 in the City of Mexico.
It formed part of the Ateneo of youth, along with José Vasconcelos, Alfonso Reyes and other young philosophers, who supported no less reserve the revolutionary upheaval of 1910. He studied law, although he subsequently devoted himself to philosophy, sociology, the lyrics and the aesthetic. It was one of the largest and most active of the intelligentsia of Mexico in the first half of the century. He gave the chairs of philosophy, logic, ethics, aesthetics, philosophy of history and sociology.
It was in his country's philosophical trends, such as the work of Edmund Husserland Henri Bergson . His thinking valued intuition as a form of knowledge. In collaboration with Vasconcelos, Henríquez Ureña , Alfonso Reyes, Carlos González Peña, founded the magazine Modern SAP.
His works include speeches to the Mexican nation (1922), doctrines and ideas (1924) the philosophy of Husserl(1934) and the danger of man (1942). Founder of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes, today Faculty of philosophy and letters at UNAM.
Antonio Caso died on March 6, 1946 in the city of Mexico on March 6, 1946, his remains were moved to the Rotunda of illustrious persons on December 19, 1963.