Biography of Amedeo of Savoy-Aosta

September 27, 1943
Son of Aimone, count of Savoy, Aosta (Aosta Duchy of Spoleto and then re designated by Croatia) and Irene of Greece and Denmark (sister of King Paul of Greece) Amedeo Umberto Costantino Giorgio Paolo Elena Maria Fiorenzo Zvonimir of Savoy, Aosta, is the grandson of the last King of Italy, Umberto II. Born in Florence on September 27, 1943 is related to many European Royal dynasties, beginning with the British and Spanish. A few weeks before the birth of Amedeo the Kingdom of Italy had signed the Armistice of Cassibile, ceasing hostilities against British and u.s. forces in the second world war. After the Armistice, on order personally signed by Heinrich Himmler, Amedeo and his mother are deported by Germans in a concentration camp in Austria, where he lived his early years in captivity.
After the release from Hirschegg, concentration camp in May 1945, Amedeo lives for a few weeks in Switzerland. He served in the Navy as a reserve officer, he married firstly Claude of France and, after the cancellation of the Rota, Silvia Paternò dei Marchesi di Regiovanni. They have three children, Bianca, Aimone, Duke of Apulia and Mafalda. He currently lives between Tuscany and Sicily. He worked for years in Italy and abroad representing Italian firms, also taking care of his farm (Vini Savoia-Aosta). In 1996 he was appointed representative of the municipality of Palermo for the International Foundation Pro Herbario Mediterraneo ", and, since 1997, the President is.
In 2003 he was appointed by the Italian Government Chairman of the permanent management of national natural reserve island of Vivara. Amedeo of Aosta is also honorary citizen of Marigliano, Pantelleria, and Abetone. As head of the branch family Aosta inherited from Uncle Amedeo-viceroy of Ethiopia, hero of Amba Alagi, gold medal for military valour, died in Kenya the British prisoner-his collection of journals.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.