Biography of Andrea Camilleri

The invention of the language

September 6, 1925
Born in Porto Empedocle (Agrigento) on September 6, 1925, Andrea Camilleri has lived for years in Rome. Just awarded the baccalaureate and not yet 18 witnesses the landing of the allies in his native Sicily indicated a deep impression. He attended the Academy of dramatic art (in which afterwards will teach directing Institutions) and from 1949 he worked as Director, author and screenwriter, both for television (famous his crime reductions as "Lt. Sheridan" and "Maigret") and for the theatre (specifically with works of Pirandello and Beckett). Armed with this extraordinary experience, he then put his pen at the service of non-fiction, field in which donated some of the writings and reflections around the topic show.
Over the years has added to these core activities the most exquisitely creative writer. His first appearance in this area dates from the first world war; If at first committed to writing novels is bland, over time it should definitely make more intense up to dedicate exclusive attention from when, arising on grounds of age, leaves his job in showbiz. A series of short stories and poems will be worth to him the Saint Vincent prize. The great success however came with the invention of the character of Inspector Montalbano, the main character of the novels that never leave the environments and the Sicilian atmosphere and they make no concession to commercial reasons or to a easier to read. In fact, after "Il corso delle cose" (1978), passed almost unnoticed, public in 1980 "a wisp of smoke", the first in a series of novels set in the fictional town of Vigata, straddling the end of 800 and the beginning of ' 900.
In all these novels Camilleri is not only an extraordinary inventiveness, but manages to drop his characters in an environment totally invented and realistic at the same time, creating from scratch a new language, a new "language" (derived from the Sicilian dialect), making it a new G. The universal assertion explodes only in 1994 with the appearance of "the hunting season", followed in 1995 "the Brewer of Preston", "granting the phone" and "La mossa del cavallo" (1999). Even television, which so Camilleri attended in his youth, he greatly contributed to the large unmovable energy spread of the phenomenon of the Sicilian writer, thanks to the series of the show dedicated to Commissioner Glenn man (played by a Masterful Luca Zingaretti).
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.