Biography of Antonello da Messina

Year of birth: 1430
Year of death: 1479
Antonio di Giovanni de Antonio, known as Antonello da Messina was born in 1430 about in the city. The reconstruction of the biography is difficult because of the scarcity of actual information. His training starts from 1540 at the workshop of the painter Colantonio. The themes that make it famous are the crucifixion, Christ, Mary and portraits. The latter are characterized by a strong psychological insight and a reality thanks to the dosage of light and with Flemish atmosphere combined with the rationality of Italian painting. In Rome around 1460 completes its formation through contact of classicism and the works of Piero della Francesca and Fra Angelico. In 1475 in Venice comes into contact with the painting by Giovanni Bellini. Works by Antonello da Messina "Salvator mundi", "portrait of a man," the announcement "," Saint Jerome in his study "place him deservedly in Italian Renaissance painting. Antonello da Messina dies at Messina in the year 1479 shortly after he made a will.
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