Biography of Bramante

Italian Renaissance

Year of birth: 1444 11 April
1514 Bramante was born in Monte Asdrualdo called Urbino to Urbania, in 1444. His first name is Donato di Pascuccio Angel. Bramante's childhood and his first training unfortunately very little is known. His story begins to be documented from 1476. Beginnings are definitely set in Urbino, where they form under the guidance of FRA ' Carnevale and subsequently becomes a student of Piero della Francesca. The Duchy of Urbino is a very alive and very educated. Is considered one of the most prestigious centres of humanism in Italy and Bramante has the opportunity to meet many artists of the time, such as il Perugino, Pinturicchio and Giovanni Santi. Not much is known of his artistic production, at this stage of life, but he was still awarded the project of the Church of San Bernardino degli Zoccolanti (although today there are doubts about the authorship of the work), and a Lashing in the Oratory of the Disciplinati of San Francesco in Perugia. Bramante travel a lot for Italy and one of the regions where it is at its best is definitely the Lombardy. In 1477 in Bergamo, he painted the facade of the Palazzo del Podestà, while in 1478 arrives in Milan, where it will leave a mark. His first assignment is the recovery of the palazzo di Porta Ticinese of Federico da Montefeltro.
Here also begins his activity as a painter, making many contributions. The most important work of this time is considered the engraving Prevedari press, 1481: engraving is signed by Bernardo Prevedari press designed by Bramante. Recognition to the architect is such that his name is featured in the following text characters with lapidary "Bramantus fecit in mediolano". As for the frescoes did not remain long, but the picture gallery you can still admire some parts of Heraclitus and Democritus and men-at-arms, painted between 1486 and 1487 for the home of poet Gaspare Visconti. The milanese period is very much alive on an artistic level, so that also exerts his passion for letters. It is appreciated as a musician and as a poet. There is a Songbook with ben 25 sonnets, of which more than half related to the theme of love. Significantly, in 1482, is friendship with a genius, Leonardo da Vinci, with whom he collaborated to the yards of the Sforza castle and the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie.
In Milan he moved permanently in 1490 and carries out its work of architect almost exclusively for Cardinal Ascanio Sforza and Ludovico Sforza, who commissioned the work of great prestige, including the courtyard of the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio. The work involves the construction of two cloisters (which are then constructed by others in the 16th century) and a rectory (sadly incomplete). Then comes a new assignment, very important — the Tribune of Santa Maria delle Grazie, also sets the old sacristy and cloister minor. Always in this period is the arrangement of the beautiful piazza Ducale in Vigevano. In recent years Milan is occupied by the French, the Sforza's power collapsed, and many artists decide to leave the town, including Leonardo. In 1499 goes to Rome where he made the cloister of Santa Maria della Pace (much appreciated and allows the architect to show off), the Tempietto di San Pietro in Montorio and the Cortile del Belvedere. Here is forced to leave long-time friend, Leonardo, but meets architects very important as FRA ' Giocondo, Giuliano da Sangallo and especially Raphael and Michelangelo, from which to learn a lot. The environment is ideal for an artistic renewal: find a more mature, now the artist has 50 years and desire to experiment. In 1506 Bramante is appointed papal architect by Julius II, succeeding Pius III, and needs to rebuild the old Constantinian basilica of St. Peter. The new Pope wants of artists capable of creating works. Bramante accepts the challenge and the project is amazing because not only expresses fully the genius of the architect, but also combines theoretical studies of some large, such as Francesco di Giorgio and Leonardo da Vinci.
Unfortunately the project on paper to the actual realization, take over of major problems. Bramante demolishes the apse the transept of the ancient basilica, raising a huge controversy in the clergy that has a decidedly traditional architecture vision also dies Julius II. Jobs are so broken. Simultaneously also takes care of the accommodation of the Vatican Palace, in particular of the two courtyards of St. Damaso and of the Belvedere. Bramante died in Rome the 11 April 1514, after more than ten years of intensive work in the eternal city, perhaps the most important and representative of its history.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.