Biography of Erin Brockovich

The truth, persistence and tenacity

June 22, 1960
Erin Brockovich Ellis, whose story was told in the famous movie portrayed by actress Julia Roberts in 2000, was born in Lawrence, Kansas in the United States, on June 22, 1960. The activist is famous for denouncing the industry Pacific Gas & Electric Company, because it is considered responsible for the contamination of groundwater by a citizen of California, Hinkley. Water pollution, due to the presence of Chromium 6, is cause cancer to people who live nearby. Erin Brockovich, mother of three, had two different husbands, does the Secretary in a law firm, and with the assistance of a lawyer, he manages to win the case in the field of the environment more difficult than ever to be dealt with in a Court of law.
The plaintiffs fault the machines and polluted water 634 citizens received as compensation the sum of $ 333 million. Born from mother and father, the young engineer journalist Erin Brockovich attends the "Lawrence High School", then Kansas State University in Manhattan, where she graduated. After participating in an internship in 1981, try to participate in a beauty contest and won the title of "Miss Pacific Coast." From 1982 he moved to California. Erin Brockovich has published a book in 2001, titled "Take it from me", "this volume in America has sold many copies, becoming a real bestseller. Most people know this woman strong temperament due to motion picture film director Steven Soderbegh date, entitled ' Erin Brockovich, as strong as the truth ".
The character of Erin is interpreted in a masterly way by American actress Julia Roberts, who for this film of 2000 was awarded the Oscar for best actress. In the years around 2010 independent research conducted by a professor at Loma Linda University found that, perhaps, the numbers of deaths from cancer recorded by Brockovich is not entirely true, but seem slightly lower. Apparently, cancer deaths in the small town of Hinkley are not more numerous than elsewhere. To think otherwise are some inhabitants of the town Californian, but instead allow the high death rate from cancer for poisons present in groundwater.
The class action for environmental issues is a very widespread in America, and collects several consensus among people. Probably, although the story of Erin is true, the Director of the film you have given some hints on the topic. And besides, it happens all the time that it becomes a true story into a film. Erin Brokocich is defined as "an icon of the 20th century", and lives in a beautiful villa in Malibu. The movie with the Roberts gave her fame and popularity: for many, she is a heroine of our day, as there are no more. He is currently President of a consulting firm, and still deals with relevant environmental issues, participating in anti-pollution lawsuits.
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