Biography of George H.W. Bush

Towards a new Millennium

June 12, 1924
George Herbert Walker Bush (sometimes also referred to as George Bush Senior), sixth President of United States of America 41 was born the day June 12, 1924 in Milton, Massachusetts. His father, Prescott Sheldon Bush, bank manager, is elected as Senator from Connecticut in 1952. Therefore Bush feels the need to actively engage in real American politics to make a contribution. Participate as a World War II naval aviator and receives a medal of honor.
Returning home, he completed his studies by enrolling at Yale, and in January 1945, after the war, he married Barbara Pierce, has six children. From this time he began his ascent in the world of American politics. Congressman for Texas for two terms, try to enter the Senate unsuccessfully. He was appointed UN Ambassador, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, Chief of the UN Office for relations with the people's Republic of China and also the Director of the Office of the Intelligence Agency (CIA). Thanks to its exceptional political career and to his personal economic fortune, gained a favorable oil investment in Texas, can afford to aspire for President of the United States. The first attempt in 1980, fails. Ronald Reagan is the winning Republican nominee and Bush became vice President. In this role, from 1980 to 1988, is interested in many internal issues: signature programs to prevent drug smuggling in South Florida, visiting more than fifteen countries as representative of Reagan and takes hard battles against terrorism. In 1988 George Bush becomes the 41st President of the United States, defeating Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis. Designate as his Deputy James Danforth Quayle.
Bush was the first vice-President, after Martin Van Burer in 1836, to reach the Oval Office. Its orientation in domestic politics does not change from that of his predecessor Reagan.In foreign policy, instead, are witnessing important momentous changes: the conclusion, after forty years of the cold war; the collapse of communism; the destruction of the Berlin wall and the end of the Soviet Union and the consequent abandonment of the Presidency by Mikhail Gorbachev. In 1989 send American troops in Panama to overthrow the regime of General Manuel Antonio Noriega who threatens the security of the Canal and the Americans living there. In August 1990, when Iraq invaded Kuwait, Bush decides to intervene. After trying to convince Iranian President Saddam Hussein to retreat, he decides to attack Iraq. Brings together the United Nations and brings together the largest coalition of allied countries ever put together since the second world war, to block the invasion of the country.
The operation is called "Desert Storm". On the night of 16 January 17, 1991 and have sent more than 500,000 soldiers of all Allied Nations, and 425,000 are American. After weeks of bloody fighting, including through targeted aerial bombardment, the war ends with the defeat of Iraq and the independence of Kuwait. In 1992 attempt to be elected to a second presidential term, but wins the Democratic nominee Bill Clinton. The reasons for this defeat: little attention to domestic problems, increasing violence in the cities and economic crisis. Him Mikhail Gorbachev said: "I remember when, after President Reagan, George Bush SR to enter the White House, touched us wait not just before we can move forward on the path of dialogue and to address the search for new horizons in terms of safety and of reducing strategic nuclear weapons. We had the impression that the new American leadership was knowingly, without good reason, slowing down". His tenure as President lasted from January 20, 1989 until January 20, 1993. George Bush is the father of George w. Bush, 43° President of United States of America.
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