Biography of Martin Buber

Possible partnerships

8 February 1878
June 13, 1965
Martin Buber was born in Vienna on 8 February 1878. After his parents ' separation was entrusted to grandparents who are in Lemberg, Galicia, where it undergoes the strong influence of his grandfather Solomon, scholar of the midrashic tradition; always in Lemberg learns about the mystical-popular movement of Hasidism, Jewish religious movement in the 18th century developed between Ukraine and Poland. Buber from an early age close to Pascal, Nietzsche and Kierkegaard. By the age of twenty he joined the Zionist movement, founded by Herzl, but the following year as a delegate to the Zionist Congress in Basel, he keeps a relationship where the positions of Herzl, proposes a Zionism as "education".
For Buber Zionism is anxiety of knowledge of its roots, awareness of a profound Jewish identity can open the Jew to the commitment and the comparison in the world. And his political idea was that Jews were supposed to be a community in the form of Jewish settlements in Palestine, who chose it as their standard dialogue and contribute together to the Arabs to transform the common fatherland in a Republic where the people have the possibility of free development. Buber for about forty years he worked on the translation of the Bible into German, with the idea that this work could be an example of a possible dialogue between German and Jewish tradition. Buber, German Jewish philosopher, became Professor of religion and ethics at the University of Frankfurt, Jewish role from 1925 to 1933.
After Hitler came to power, in 1938 he settled in Jerusalem, Palestine, where he was offered a professorship of anthropology and sociology. Continues to work on the translation of the Bible and in 1946 published "the Utopia". At the end of the second world war goes on a lecture tour in Europe and the United States. In 1951 the Goethe Prize by the University of Hamburg; in 1958 his wife Paula and dies Israel Prize; in 1963 he was awarded the Erasmus Prize in Amsterdam. June 13, 1965, dies at home in Talbiyeh, Jerusalem.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.