Biography of Paola Cortellesi

Impossible to resist

November 24, 1973
Born in Rome on November 24, 1973, Paola Cortellesi began her career in showbiz at the age of thirteen: in the show "back in" by Renzo Arbore-that for innovations that has been able to make is a milestone in the history of Italian tv-is his Brazilian voice of the famous song "Cacao Mahmoud". Finished his studies at the high school, he began to attend the Faculty of Arts with specialization ' event ', but the lure of the stage is stronger and after a few examinations Paola reluctantly abandons his studies. His first significant theatrical experience is "society of war", by Lupaioli, Lucilla 1995. The following year, Paola Cortellesi is staged with the shows "Roberto Zucco", directed by f. Cruciani, and "Snow White", by m. Camacho.
Then in 1997 came the turn of "the man who invented television", by e. Vaime, directed by p. Garinei, and "National Festival of new tragic", by Pietro De Silva. His talent seems already Excel 1997/98 season and debuted on TV on RaiDue with transmission "Macao", where Paola Cortellesi interprets "argentina". The successive participations-"La posta del cuore", with Sabina Guzzanti and 18 "Theatre", with Serena Dandini-make known to television audiences his acting skills. In 2000 the success it deserves come working with sacred cows of Gialappa's Band, on Italy 1, with the program "Mai dire gol" and "Mai dire Grande Fratello". Daria Bignardi, Mapi and many successful imitations of Italian and foreign singers (Giorgia, Carmen Consoli, Britney Spears, Amy Stuart, Ivana Spain, Cher, Alicia Keys, Fiorella Mannoia ...), make known the name of Paola Cortellesi.
In 2001 after repeated and reiterated his extraordinary gifts as a performer and comedienne with "Mai dire gol", Paola Cortellesi passes RaiDue and inherits the conduct of "free", the popular TV program of prank phone calls launched by the inexhaustible Teo Mammucari. The success of the programme is repeated, in part because of its natural formula, but undoubtedly also because the new presenter does not regret the predecessor: Paola, no Miss performing or recitative, typical of his artistic, proves deft improvisational and Italian. The following year becomes the mainstay of "Mai dire Grande Fratello" and "Mai dire Domenica": one of the most successful characters is Letizia "Titty" Moratti, parody of the Minister of education. And if anyone still had any doubts about its quality, Paola Cortellesi loosens them leading with egregious evidence prime time Saturday evening of RaiUno, with "one of us", alongside the Evergreen Gianni Morandi and Lorella Cuccarini.
Meanwhile don't forget the Theatre: from 1998 to 2003 he collaborated with Director Furio Andreotti participating in numerous shows: "too long", "shit happens", "human doings", "The savage fight raged as though", "Yard Gal", "just a moment". After conducting together with Asari Amendola in 2003 the annual concert event of 1° Maggio, Paola Cortellesi is called as co-host of Festival di Sanremo 2004, with Simona Ventura and Gene Gnocchi: his interpretations and his gags are phenomenal. In the same year was entrusted with the program "Nessundorma" on RaiTre, the first transmission (it is still flanked by actor Richard Rossi): Unfortunately, perhaps thanks to the night time slot, will not collect the expected success. As befits an all-round artist as Paola, also the movie's world is claiming its presence: she starred in "big love" and "Amarsi può darsi" in 1999, to the egia to Alberto Taraglio. In 2000 starred in "Chiedimi se sono felice", the trio Aldo, John and James. Then we see her in the films "fine friend" (2000, di Luca d'ascanio), "A cavallo della tigre" (2001, by Carlo Mazzacurati), "present perfect" (2002, by Mariasole Tognazzi), "place of the soul" (2002, directed by Riccardo Milani), "no brakes" (2003, directed by Felice Farina, with Claudio Amendola). At Christmas 2004 Paola Cortellesi is the protagonist of the new film by Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo "you know Claudia?" (also starring Ottavia Piccolo).
Then he devoted himself to the theatre and for his first monologue, "the last shall be the last," E.T.I. Award and the critics ' Award 2006 for best interpreter. He made his debut in 2007 in the Italian tv series playing the character of Maria Montessori. In 2008 was nominated at the David di Donatello for best supporting actress for the movie "plan, only" (2007) directed by Riccardo Milani. In November returns to television with the show "not perdiamoci di vista", one-woman show in five episodes live on Rai Tre. In the fall of 2010 are given the news that Paola Cortellesi replaces on tv Vanessa Incontrada in Zelig, on Channel 5, Claudio Bisio. The debut comes in January 2011. In early October of 2011 joins in marriage with Director Riccardo Milani.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.