Biography of Serena Dandini

To do satire on tv need broad shoulders

April 22, 1954
Serena Dandini, whose full name is Serena Dandini de Sylva was born on April 22, 1954 day in Rome. Of noble birth, belongs to the family of Dandini de Sylva. After attending grammar school he studied for a degree in Anglo-American Literature at La Sapienza University, Rome, but leaves when it takes only exams at the end. Leaving the University he started his collaboration with Rai: not only leads the radio and television programs, but it is also the author. Among the authors tv in Italy, Serena Dandini is among the ones that have experimented and innovated the tv language, particularly comical and satirical. The debut in the media world with the "private" radio before moving to Rai, where Radio Two is creator of several programs and began his songwriting accomplishing radio dramas and original screenplays, including Mae West's life "to be remembered".
Always began his career as a radio presenter and environment in this context starts the first experience where plays the role of "comical Sidekick." He began working with the television on Rai Uno realizing "Le o", an innovative program, dedicated to styles and trends. In 1988 tightens an artistic collaboration with Valentina Amurri and Linda Brunetta: together they depart to BBC three: the program which gets soon a great success is called the "girls Tv", and is the first female comedy lab; the show brings out new talents such as Manohar Lal, Dave Radford, Sabina Guzzanti, Angela Finocchiaro, Lella Costa, and many more. Building on the success of the two editions of the transmission, it's the turn of "pardon the interruption", a comic experimentation that leads following the creation of the successful program "Leftovers".
Leftovers is a new format that ushers in a new style of tv comic and makes known to the general public the genius of brothers Sabina Guzzanti and Corrado Guzzanti, in addition to Antonello Fassari and many others. Together with Corrado Guzzanti--who by Sabina Guzzanti's historic broadcast partner, both onscreen and in writing-always for Rai Tre "Maddecheao ': how to secrete the exams," a hilarious examination of maturity that sees Serena in the role of the teacher and Conrad in the pluriripetente Lorenzo. He moved then in prime time with "Tunnel", a comedy show in a big way with bands and international guests. Dopofestival di Sanremo in 1995 presents, along with Pippo Baudo, an experience which she calls extreme: "But that once in their life worth doing. Once." Switch to Bbc2 in the year 1997 with "Pippo Chennedy Show", still a program signed Dandini-Guzzanti: in two hours of direct alternate moments of surreal comedy satire more biting.
Once again the show launches memorable characters and catchphrases. In parallel with the passion for satire, Serena Dandini cultivates the love for film, producing several programs on the subject. It sends him on movie sets for Sundays afternoon Andrea Barbato; leads in prime time "Producer" the first experiment of quiz-show on the history of cinema, conceived together with the journalist Claudio Masenza. There is also two years running at the Venice International Film Festival with "The View of the lagoon," a daily Strip live on Rai Tre, conducted together with the critic Paolo Mereghetti. In 1999 the association with Gino & Michele, known comic-satirical authors, with whom creates and writes to Italia1 "Comedians", a very successful show where they meet the various schools of Italian comedy; Serena, aided by Paolo Hendel, enjoys doing the shoulder to Aldo Giovanni e Giacomo, Antonio Albanese, Retails and many other big stars.
In 2000 return on Raidue with "Erin", signed with Corrado Guzzanti, a new satirical show that because of political subjects treated with scathing irony turns into a case. As an author, Serena Dandini is also dedicated to other television initiatives such as the launch of a series of new comic talents through broadcasting completely unconventional as "mm" written with Lillo and Greg and blacks Marcorè, and "Bra-stolen Arms to agriculture", the television version of the comedy lab Small Jovinelli. Since 2001 he has been Artistic Director of Teatro Ambra Jovinelli and it is thanks to this assignment which also has the opportunity to deepen the roots and the great tradition of Italian light show that will dedicate "Vieni avanti cretino", a journey through the history of television variety and vaudeville Italian. Since 2004 leads on Raitre his first talk show, "talk to me", created with the journalist Kevin S together with the Group of authors that have often accompanied on his adventures.
Among the comic incursions Dario Vergassola and musical ones of Banda Osiris, at the center of the program there is a red couch where guests take turns talking about philosophy, cinema, music, literature and current events. In 2011 he debuted as a writer by publishing the book titled "from diamonds not no-life stories and gardens", which makes one revolution of the world through flowers, plants, garden centres but also personal memories and stories of love for gardening. Back on tv in early 2012 on La7, with the program "The Show Must Go Off": in her living room in addition to the inevitable Valerio, you are also friends of Elio e le Storie Tese.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.