Biography of Vito Crimi

January 1, 1972
Vito Claudio Crimi was born on 1 January 1972 in Palermo. Growing up in the working class neighborhood Brancaccio, passes adolescence among Scouts; After graduating in 1990 with the highest grades, he enrolled at the University in the Faculty of Mathematics: does not conclude studies, though, since he won a public competition at the Court of appeals of Brescia as a clerk. In 2000, therefore, Vito Charles moved to the Lombard city; Here he worked as a law clerk in the Office of the Dean in the Court of appeals. In 2007, he joined the Meetup "Amici di Beppe Grillo" citizen; three years later, the movement 5 Stars nominating President in regional elections for Lombardy, where it gets 3 percent of the vote, equivalent to approximately 144mila preferences. After attending a course in financial and banking services, become workers ' representative for safety. First among the elect in the region in 2012 at Parlamentarie set up by the Movement thanks to 381 preferences and Senate candidate in Ward 2 in Lombardy during the elections of 24-25 February 2013, Vito Crimi was elected and then becomes a Senator. On March 4 of the same year, Vito Crimi was appointed leader of the Movement 5 Stars in Palazzo Madama.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.