Congo River Tourism, Africa

Gradually the River widens and picks up speed until entering the gates of hell, 75 km long canyon of impassable Rapids. The River emerges again, surrounded by lush tropical rain forest as the Lualaba. During the journey through the rain forest of silence, the river crosses the Equator twice. Because the Congo River flows from the northern and southern hemisphere that does not have a large seasonal fluctuations in water level as the other major rivers. This flow is relatively stable because part of the rain zone. Upper Congo River abruptly ends with the Stanley Falls, 60 miles of rapids. Along the River is the city of Kinsangani, a city known for violence since Belgium’s colonial. The River slows to a virtual. Section known as Stanley or Malebo pool. Here the River is 15 miles wide and is flanked by the cities of Kinshasa and Brazzaville. Peace from the pool is suddenly shattered by Livingstone Falls, a series of rapids and cataracts 220 miles long. And have the power as much as all the rivers and waterfalls in the United States combined. The final 100 miles into the Atlantic Ocean from late fall fully navigable. Every day, many travelers who come here. Because of the natural beauty that is very pure. Hotels here are also filled with tourists because here at the hotel complete with facilities suitable for your vacation. If you want to find and eat here there is also a very good restaurant with traditional cuisine. You do not hesitate to come back here. Because of this winter’s very well suited this place. Good luck. ?

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