Cristóbal Montoro | Notable Biographies

(1950/07/28 - Unknown)

Cristóbal Montoro
Spanish politician

Was born on 28 July 1950 in Cambil, Jaén.
Doctor in economic sciences. In 1973 he graduated from the Autonomous University of Madrid, in which until 1988 would exert as a teacher, to finally get in the year 1989 Professor of Public finance at the University of Cantabria.
In 1993 he was elected Deputy for Madrid and in 1999 came to be part of the Executive of the Party Committee at the national level. When PP reaches the Government, Rodrigo Rato appointed him Secretary of State for economy. Between 2000 and 2004 was Minister of finance in the Government of Aznar. Its management was marked by the event of the incorporation of Spain into the euro in 1999 after having complied with the requirements of the convergence. He has been author of successive economic liberalization plans.
Montoro comes from the world of teaching, a label that has marked him in his later career as a ideologue of the CEOE at the Institute of economic studies, as a member of the Popular Party and the Ministry of economy. After the 2004 elections he ceases in his position and was elected MEP in the elections of that year. In 2008 he was again Deputy for Madrid, occupying the post of spokesman in the Commission of economy and finance.
He was the Coordinator of the economic program presented by the PP for elections in November 2011. Appointed Minister of finance and public administration by Mariano Rajoy on 21 December of the same year.
Married and father of two daughters.