Definition of abuse

Abuse is the inflection of any harm that can be both physical and psychic, generally, takes place and raison d ' être thanks to the power that the person who causes or materialized abuse has on that to which it is produced, either by material superiority that protects it and gives it such a force on the other , either by the systematic threat that something bad is going to happen, but access to that trigger abusive. In many cases, abuse, usually one of the main factors of future trauma by the damage and the fault which encloses in itself abuse and preventing its externalisation by shame and fear alike.
Meanwhile, the abuse, has various forms, that although different, all, certainly will leave a huge mark on the person who suffers. It is physical, sexual, emotional abuse and authority.
The physicist, as the sexual, is the most visible and verifiable when it comes to punishing those responsible, since it implies a specific non-accidental physical injury; in the case of the physicist who can be recurrent domestic abuse in a couple, the man towards the woman, for example, and the sex that is when sexual contact without consent is subject to someone. This can be from an adult to a minor, between adults or even children. It from an adult to a minor is one of the most common sexual abuses that we see today, the Chronicles of newspapers which show us the existence of networks that encourage the production of child pornography are recurrent. In this sense, the iron-fisted control carried out by the authorities seems always insufficient due to the high demand for this type of content in graphic and electronic media, which is a constant source of material whose final road in inducing repeated acts of abuse.
Emotional abuse is one that does not occur with a single trigger specifically, as in the case of the sexual force a minor to have sex, but it also has to do with the observation of recurrent behavior of rejection, shame, degradation, or inflection of an adult horror show minor. Of course you will have a decisive impact on the social and emotional development of children, probably leading to fear, anxiety, isolation and depression, among other corollaries. This item is classified today called bullying, defined as emotional harassment and often physical by pairs. It has shown also called "bullying" correlates with a poor prognosis in terms of mental health and the social performance of children who are victims of this silent form of abuse. However, it is noted that, on many occasions, the perpetrator is also subject of any form of abuse in domestic or social level, whereby the correct approach to bullying requires a multidisciplinary participation with family, school, psychological and psycho-pedagogical elements.
And the last type of abuse that we have to close the concept that concerns us is the abuse of authority and that it is basically which is exercised from a position of authority, such as the case of a police officer who arrests a person without any cause. This tends to be very common in dictatorial countries, in which the oppression and the cutting of the freedom to achieve a better submission from society. They are not necessarily Governments de facto those who wield an abuse of power, since numerous leaders elected by the suffrage may exercise its authority in a despotic manner and thus acting against numerous personal rights and the population, among which deserves noted press freedom.
Many analysts include within the scope of the abuse of authority known as mobbing or harassment at work, which consists of the despotic and dehumanized manipulation of the employees of an organization by its leaders or coordinators. Mobbing has begun to be considered a subject of analysis by the occupational medicine, given its close relationship with (burnout) professional exhaustion syndrome and various correlates with a reduced performance at work, commitment to the mental and physical health and increase the risk of suicide or other manifestations of self-harm.