Definition of acculturation

The term acculturation is normally used to refer to the social process through which a person, a group of individuals or an entire community sees transformed their cultural system from the acquisition of new items or cultural values belonging to another community. The process of acculturation can be seen both as a positive phenomenon as a negative phenomenon that may represent the integration but also the loss of identity. The phenomenon of acculturation is a phenomenon that exists from the different human communities were contacted at different points in history, i.e., since time immemorial. The interaction of human beings with other humans who lived a different social and cultural reality always represented a challenge: coming into contact with something that is not similar to one and that means another way of understanding the world can be a very strong shock. However, with the passage of time and the progressive development of a global cultural system as it is globalization, insulation and maintenance of cultural traits particular and unique becomes increasingly difficult.
When we speak of acculturation we are referring to the process whereby a person acquires or assimilate the cultural traits of another community. A clear example of this can be Japan, one of the countries of the far East, with an ancient and rich culture which, however, has assimilated to perfection many traits that have to do with the comfort and the Western lifestyle.
As stated, the acculturation can be understood both as a positive and also as something negative. Those who defend the first culture argue that acculturation is the gradual integration of human beings, leaving aside all differences that may serve to separate them. Those who criticize this position understand that such a process means the loss of identity and everything that makes one and indivisible to each community.