Definition of adverb

Referred to as adverb that part of the sentence, usually represented in one word and that modifies the meaning of the verb of the sentence in question, or in other words as it can be an adjective or also another adverb. The functions of the adverbs are basically complement circumstantial verb of a sentence, quantifier, grade or supplement in the case of the adjectives and the quantifier if it's another adverb.
In the Spanish language, adverbs tend to have a very simple variation, some support the placement of suffix, as the case of the syllable is mind if adjectives is the thing. For example rapid is the adjective and quickly the adverb, which is fulfilled perfectly what we proposed.
Although also some support the inclusion of a prefix as it would be the case only.
There are different types of adverbs that can be grouped into different categories according to the function displayed. So we have the adverbs of time (now, yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, before, last night, still, when, then, then, ever, then, ever, first, always, yet, already, among others), place (here, there, here, above, opposite, out, away, among others), mode (well, good, bad, almost, fast, slow, fast, slow, as), amount (something, anything, rather, almost, as, too, more, less, too, soon, everything) (, single, half, both, among others), statement (clear, Yes, precisely, effectively, certainly, certainly, among others), negation (no, never, not, ever, among others) and questions (maybe, probably, apparently, among others).