Definition of allergy

Allergy is described as a State characterized by the hypersensitivity that an individual maintains for a substance in particular that if inhaled it, ingested or touched, immediately, will they wake up in the characteristic of the same symptoms that can be of various types, skin: including atopic dermatitis, urticaria, and contact eczema, Lung: between those who are asthma , lung disease, eye: normally manifested in conjunctivitis or keratitis, Ent: being the most common rhinitis and sinusitis, digestive: nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea and blood: being one of the most common anemia. Now, this in terms of its most characteristic symptoms that allow early detection, insofar as possible, with respect to the causes, there is a plurality of factors that can cause it, such as the reaction to certain drugs or antibiotics, the pollens of trees or flowers, composition or substance of some foods, the mites of dust, by the bite of an insect , for example that of a Wasp or a bee, best known, some animals, among others.
How Allergic processes directly affect the immune system of individuals, it is that the allergy, the discipline that is responsible for the study and treatment of allergies, feeds and exchanges information with others, such as Immunology, Pulmonology, Dermatology and Otolaryngology.
About allergy treatments, there are many and they obviously depend on the particular situation of each patient, being the medical specialist who will determine what is the best when it comes to combat the allergen, such is the medical name given to the substance that causes the allergy, although immunotherapy consisting of subcutaneously injected the substance that it produces the same in order that the organism it go assimilating and accepting is one of the common, along with the administration of oral or topical anti-inflammatory and bronco dilators.
Meanwhile, to avoid the discomfort of allergy, those examinations through which one can know which substances they are allergic to avoid them is recommended. Also, it is advised to combat it keep the environment clean and disinfected, free of hairs that lost pets if you have them, for example.