Definition of Astro

The word astro allows us to refer to any celestial body that boasts a well shape. In the universe, where there is this kind of body, there are a huge number of stars, which promptly have been distinguished in categories by astronomers, such as: stars, planets, brown dwarfs, comets, satellites and meteors. The star is a ball of plasma that is in hydrostatic balance and inside generates energy through the action of different phenomena. At night is when better appreciate the stars, as bright and twinkling points, while both groupings of stars, over its corresponding satellite systems referred them to as galaxies.
Meanwhile, a brown dwarf is a sphere of gas; in terms of their size, they occupy an intermediate place between planets and stars; they emit electromagnetic radiation and have one somewhat less than the sun shine and its salient characteristic is that they can stay in main sequence hundreds of millions of years.
On the other hand, a planet is a celestial body that revolves around the star and that holds hydrostatic equilibrium. The solar system identifies eight planets: Earth, Mars, Jupiter, mercury, Venus, Neptune, Uranus and Saturn.
By his side, a satellite is any object that orbits around a given planet, normally, the satellite is smaller with respect to the planet and often it accompanies the latter in its evolution around the Sun. The Moon is a satellite.
Comets, other classes of stars are celestial bodies that present little dense cores and travelling usually surrounded by a comparably luminous trace with a hair and an extension known as the tail, following elliptical and eccentric orbits around the Sun.
And a Meteor is an atmospheric phenomenon, which may occur in different ways: air (wind), aqueous (rain or snow), light (Rainbow) and electric (lightning, fire from santelmo), which occurs on the surface of the Earth, with the exception of the clouds.
And on the other hand, in the current language, the term astro refers to that individual who stands out notably in activity or area in which it plays. Lionel Messi has become the new star of world football.