Definition of Atrium

The Atrium is that open and arcaded space that exists inside some buildings. Juan we attended in the courtyard of his house. But in fact the most widespread and popular word use is to refer to the enclosure or enclosed space located at the entrance of temples and palaces, i.e., it is here that it has taken the name the atrium that we observe in some buildings.
The Atrium was the main courtyard which had some temples and the domus, as was called to the Roman town house which lived in families that had a certain economic level.
After accessing the domus by a lobby that featured reduced proportions he arrived at the Atrium, a characteristic element of these, covered and with a central opening through which entered the rain water. In the Atrium the center of domestic life, flowed because there same were they exhibited, for example, the statues of ancestors, were offerings to the protective gods and even was the place par excellence in which greeted the owners of the House.
The atrium of the Christian churches, meanwhile, assumes the form of an arcaded courtyard that is located at the foot of the Church and that was used to access the same. In many cases it had a source.
Currently, most of the churches preserved in its inputs an atrium; but the way is really diverse, generally, finds them marked with columns and chains as it is considered it a sacred place.
Also today, the atrium of the churches conforms to strict function of being the place in which the newly married will greet friends and relatives who attended the celebration of your marriage, returning a little habit of greeting of the dormus.
On the other hand, the Atrium turned out to be an enclosure especially employed in the Viceroyalty of new Spain, since it turned out to be an architectural solution to the needs of spiritual conquest that had by that time, as so many were native inhabitants amounts to evangelize the priests employed the atrium as an extension of the ship. And on indigenous peoples, the Atrium was also a central place for spiritual life, in addition to being the place where were imparted lessons on different trades.