Definition of Axiologico

Values are also a certainly major issue in people's lives and the conforming functioning of a society. What is right or what is considered as bad or harmful are issues that people must know to know how we behave and thus avoid behaviors that are punished in some way for the community in which we live. Meanwhile, the concept that we are concerned now, axiological, is closely associated with the concept of value and we apply it in our language to everything that is itself or on the axiology.
Axiology is a detachment of philosophy, a branch of it, dealing with reflect, study the nature of values, especially the moral values and judgments of valuation arise in an individual in respect of the same.
Moral values have a hierarchical classification that implies that values that are considered as positive or good, there are such is the case of that which is good, while negative values, those that are preferable to dispose of because it is not will be located below that level, on a lower step, will lead to a stadium of harmony and happiness.
It should be noted that the axiology should address equally both positive values as negative because precisely of that analysis as may determine the worth or otherwise of something and be considered a reality as ideal facing another proposed the opposite, such is the case of love against hate, justice, against injustice , peace against war, among others.
The structure of values that a person has is in final accounts that outlines their personality, their decisions and the way in which appreciates life.