Definition of Kiss

Kissing involves the action of touching something or someone with the lips together and separate them by making a small inlet which will indicate: Greetings, love, friendship or reverence, as appropriate. Juan could kiss the ring to the Pope. My daughter gave me a kiss so intense that I could feel how happy being with my presence at his graduation. Meanwhile, to the realization of the action of kissing known as kiss. The kiss involves the Act of touch with lips the lips of the person we love, the cheek of a friend or someone's hand in clear sign of reverence, the latter can be seen often in religious contexts.
According to several scientific studies on the matter, Kiss action turns out to be widely beneficial for our health, because the kiss directly stimulates that part of the brain responsible for release the hormone oxytocin into the bloodstream, immediately generating a feeling of unparalleled well-being. Mentioned hormone is crucial in such basics as love, giving birth, breastfeeding and at the behest of the orgasm and the reason being we find that it is closely linked to the affection, tenderness and the Act of playing. It is absolutely proven that when we give someone a passionate kiss we're releasing Adrenaline into the blood with which increases heart rate, stress arteries and blood glucose level. Then, by all these listed benefits is it is recommended then kiss, who kisses recursively away from situations such as depression.
According to the intensity and the way in which it is carried out, there are various types of Kiss, among them: Kiss dry (is the simplest when they support are the lips of one over the other), Hollywood Kiss (Kiss when one leans the other backwards; it won the 1950 especially in the film's and therefore carries the denomination) , suction Kiss (one of the two takes the lower lip and introduces it into his mouth while making a suction movement), French Kiss (the woman or the man with his tongue touches the lips of the other and then enter the language in your mouth).
On the other hand, when you touch one thing with another is often used the term Kiss to refer to it. The sea kisses the coast.
And also, in the current language is often used the word when you want to give an account of the trip of one person with another or of one car with another. They kissed violently out of the Bank. My car kiss from my parent when I parked it in the garage.