Definition of middle class

For Sociology, the bourgeoisie is a social class that is characterized by its own means of production and because of this is that it will establish a relationship of exploitation with the proletariat or workers social group will buy to which its workforce, since this does not have their own production means. This relationship to both social classes by dint of power one exerts on the other, is allowing the bourgeoisie to accumulate capital. At the end of the middle ages, this term of French origin began to be used to designate those urbanites who made the first trade exchange activities, such as merchants and artisans. Then, already in the Renaissance, the term began to be used to refer to merchants who reached a very important swing which led them to reap untold riches product of the business carried out during this time. This group marked the birth of a new social class, since it had new features that classes that predominated at that time did not have.
Because on the one hand, the bourgeoisie, did not have the endorsement of peerages as happened with the aristocracy was the most powerful class so far and also presented the subjugation of rights and subjugation that you suffer to serfdom. The bourgeoisie, basically, had become such by having developed a trade which exploited to keep and enrich themselves either throwing hand of the commercial exchange and the prestamismo.
This economic of the bourgeoisie, undoubtedly, advance provoked a change unprecedented and that it ended up changing the order established and prevailing until then, i.e., the aristocracy began to lose its power as consequence of the growth of the middle class, already didn't care if twenty titles had, power had changed hands... and clear, the political arena was the second area that the bourgeoisie managed to dominate and monarchies began to be increasingly more isolated, alone and inevitably left scene.
Meanwhile, it will be thanks to the French revolution that the bourgeoisie will eventually settle down as the dominant social class, promoting important political changes such as the establishment of the parliamentary as a new form of Government democracy and also will be key for industrial, agricultural and commercial revolutions succeed who were able to achieve.