Definition of pleasing

The word please we use it frequently in our language when we want to express that someone like us, pleased, glad, or failing when we realize what we same like we do either gives us pleasure. Not going to Maria, with the maniacal of the order that is, to please the disaster that you did in your kitchen. I do not think I was going to please both this film because the protagonist is not one of my favorites. In the event that a person or a thing like it, indulge us, or glad us, we tend to describe it as pleasant and then this concept will always appear in close connection with which we are concerned. Someone or something pleasant, we will cause directly to pleasure, taste.
Also, as with the nice word, the pleasing is a word we often use in different contexts and always with a positive connotation. And always we apply it in relation to things and people. If the party fun say it was nice, for example, if John entertains us will tell him he is welcome.
This term has a huge variety of synonyms in both, the most used among the music, please and be happy.
When we like something ago that we immediately feel an inclination to do so. I knew your food I would like because it is the kind of cooking that I like.
Now, if you please involve from actions, comments, generate another individual satisfaction, taste and pleasure. I want to please my husband and why I bought this cake that you like.
And in the case of cheer, it is an action in which we strengthened through various strategies or sayings to something or someone. With your stories I brightens the afternoon.
Meanwhile, the word directly opposed to this concept is the of dislike, because it just allows us to express the disgust, dread that something or someone we cause and that may be the point directly to reject it.