Definition of shirt

The most frequent use of the term shirt allows you to refer to that clothing, formal and informal, which has a collar, buttons on the front and fist and covers the entire torso. The shirt is one of classic garments we use humans and which has changed very little since its appearance there by the 17TH century. In your home considered it is part of the underwear which had no buttons, and this is the main difference with the current shirts; with the passage of time and as military clothes were shrinking ending in the current bag, shirt, was gaining more prominence to pass to be revealed completely, which sued top with cuffs and collars with personalities.
The white shirt, in the past, knew how to have a link directly to the aristocracy, as were the members of this class who wore them and kept them completely clean. While such a conception has not varied too with the passage of the centuries, the white shirt is still a classic, especially because its neutral color combination with the rest of the garments.
Today, we have different types of shirts, the first large classification is given in: formal or dress (designed to look with suit, bag or clothing label; the most common types are: shirt simple fist, double fist, Mandarin collar shirts shirt) and informal (designed to be used alone or under sportswear by which they are not intended to neckties and often have buttons at the neck). By clothing can be differentiated by being cotton, polyester, silk, among other fabrics; and by color or design we have the patterned, striped, smooth or flat.
Although the word shirt has other uses less recurrent... The skin of snakes (suborder of reptiles that lack of limbs), from which arise periodically after have formed another new one that replaced it; to the skin with which some fruits and a book cover are covered.
On the other hand, the straitjacket is that strong shirt open part back, sleeves closed at the ends and used to attach the arms of the person to which puts it.
And also the word shirt is part of several popular expressions such as: play up the shirt (express an inordinate fondness for the game that can lead to the total loss of all cattle in a round of play), get someone in shirt once varas (getting someone into a matter that does not compete you or that is very difficult resolution) and not reach out to someone the shirt to the body (fear before a threat).