Definitions, concepts and meanings of Dermatosis

Definition of Dermatosis

Dermatoses are diseases that affect the skin and its annexes including the hair and nails. When the condition is inflammatory or infectious is used then the term dermatitis.
Dermatoses have many causes such as exposure to certain chemical, physical agents and mechanical factors.

Major cause of dermatosis

Mechanical factors such as falls, rubbing, injuries and concussions are able to induce lesions in the skin, including their frequency:
Bleeding. One of the most common injuries are related to injuries which will cause a loss of blood to the surface layers of skin bruises or ecchymosis, they differ from hematomas are collections of blood located more deeply that have the shape of a nodule, hence, they usually be known commonly as "bump".
Hyperkeratosis. Other very common lesions occur in the feet and hands, they correspond to thickening called Hyperkeratosis or callous, they are due to the continuous friction produced especially for the shoes or the use of implements such as for work, sports or recreational use personal protective equipment.
Blisters. In general the injuries blister are due to burning by friction or by exposure to heat, are recognized for being very thin skin vesicles filled with yellowish fluid, there are other diseases capable of producing blisters as it is the case of Pemphigus which is an autoimmune disease, the perniosis which locates in the ears being related to changes in temperature and herpes zoster or chickenpox which is infectious origin.
Urticaria. It is a disorder of allergic origin which releases a substance called histamine, which is able to cause redness and lifting of the skin that is accompanied by itching, can occur from exposure to a substance, due to temperature changes or by the sting of insects such as mosquitoes and mites.

Exposure to the Sun can produce several dermatoses

The light of the Sun is source of ultraviolet rays capable of causing various lesions of the skin or aggravate existing ones. The main conditions due to these rays include sunburn, the photodermatosis consisting of the appearance of lesions in exposed areas after exposure to the Sun and the Phytophotodermatitis which is a rash in the shape of a stain that is due to the activation of chemical substances contained in food and plants after exposure to the Sun, are an example of this the spots on the skin caused by lime or soft drinks of cola that come in contact with the skin in situations recreation such as going to the beach.

The nutrient deficiencies also affect the skin

Skin, hair and nails are a reflection of the power. The deficit of vitamins and minerals is often associated with skin changes, although there are many demonstrations by the main nutritional deficiencies include anemia causing pallor, the deficit of zinc that causes reddish lesions with loss and ulceration of the skin very extensive, deficiency of vitamin B3 or niacin that causes the condition known as pellagra as well as the lack of vitamin A and biotin are associated with desquamation of the skin and hair loss.