Definitions, concepts and meanings of denotation

Definition of denotation

At the behest of Linguistics, the word denotation is that used to designate the most basic meaning that presents a Word and that as such, all individuals who speak the language to know him. I.e., the labeling is the direct meaning, the formal and more extended reference that holds a Word as it appears in a dictionary of the language of the language in question.
Or concerning the labeling will be in no way contradictions, since it expresses is the universal meaning of a term on which there is a Convention.
Meanwhile, it should be noted, that the words have two meanings, on the one hand the mentioned denotative and Moreover the connotative, which will be determined by that value, emotion and feeling that people apply you to the term in question as a result of the formal meaning which the word is associated with.
Thus, for example, the word rape, whose literal meaning is the action and the result of violating, which involves breaking a law or sexually abusing someone, is that for most people, the word, will have a connotation of negative type, i.e. it is a term proposed by an unpleasant issue and therefore its connotation will go in the same direction.
Another example for further clarified the issue is the birthday, which is a word that most people associate it with celebration, joy, however, can happen that an individual evokes sad memories and therefore there change the connotation of positive type that always revolves around the word.
All terms of a language have these two faces: connotation and denotation, prioritizing the features and settings of the transmitter and receiver and target, respectively. Hard a Word's denotative aspect change with the passage of time, however, that change can affect if the connotation that can be attributed to it.
Above, then, shows that the word connotation is the opposite concept of the term that concerns us.