Henry IV of Castile the impotent- Notable Biographies

(1425/01/25 - 1474/12/11)

Henry IV of Castile
King of Castile (1454-1474)

He was born January 25, 1425 in Valladolid.
Son of John II of Castile and Maria of Aragon.
In the year 1440 he married Blanche of Navarre, spreading it in 1443 by impotence, and in 1455 with Joan of Portugal. For years he ruled supported in your favourite Juan Pacheco faced Castilian nobility, which favored the interference of Juan II of Aragón.
It supported Charles of Viana, son of Juan II of Aragón, confronted his father. When passed away Carlos, the command of Catalonia, was offered accepting and thereby against the Castilian nobility. 1463-1468 revolt nobles tried to recognize as heir to his brother, Prince Alfonso, and spread the rumor that their daughter Juana was illegitimate, experienced 'la Beltraneja' to indicate that his real father was Beltrán de la Cueva.
With the ceremony known as 'farce of Avila', was symbolically dethroned and proclaimed King Alfonso. The fight between the brothers lasted until the death of Alfonso in July 1468. Enrique again pressured by the nobles recognized as heir his sister Isabel in September of 1468. When the future Elizabeth I, was revealed as a defender of the monarchy, the nobles support Enrique IV and defend the cause of Juana.
The 11 December 1474 with the death of the King in Valladolid, explode the war of succession of Castile.