Meaning and Definition of Ambiguity

Definition of ambiguity

Ambiguity is called that situation or expression that can be understood or interpreted in more than one sense either which gives rise to the emergence of various trials; Meanwhile, it will be the listener's expression or the witness of the situation in question who will perform it according to its own way. Your little clear and unclear explanation gave rise to several misunderstandings.
The most common mistake and running is that is referred to as double meaning and that just will originate from a term that has more than one meaning.
Another recurrent use of the word ambiguity is synonymously with concepts such as error, confusion and mistake.
As we know, the error, false knowledge that someone has something, i.e. it has knowledge that something is but such knowledge appears distorted, mentioned is that the error it differs from ignorance, which eventually confuses it is, since the latter implies the absence of knowledge. The sudden approach you've had with Laura can give rise to misunderstandings, should be more careful and be clearer to not confuse their feelings.
And at the behest of the rhetoric, the ambiguity, also known as antanaclasis, is within the literary figures (non-traditional forms of use of words, which although used with their original meanings appear accompanied by particularities that move away them from such traditional use) one of the best-known figures of repetition and which consists in the deliberate use of polysemic words i.e. multiple meanings, that as a result it may lead to the confusion of the receiver in question.
For example, the term capital can trigger misunderstandings at its polysemy, being able to unravel it only knowing the context in which used it, because capital can be the main population and head of a State, heritage that someone holds, the factor of production or an uppercase letter.