Meaning and Definition of: Caries

Definition of Caries

Caries is a lesion in the teeth caused by a bacterial infection. The abuse of sweets is usually a cause of occurrence of caries.
With the emergence of the cavities are destroyed tissues of tooth demineralization response causing generators acids of the plaque from the remains of food and beverages, especially those rich in sugars, such as candies, cakes, cola drinks and any kind of sweet, which are exposed to the bacteria that produce acid mentioned.
Although this is not the only reason that causes tooth decay, also, errors in the completion of the oral hygiene (use of toothpastes inadequate, poorly brushed and misuse of the thread or dental cleaning between teeth stick) or total lack of it and the genetic etiology, are other three important causes that promote tooth decay.
If it is not treated on time can lead to the total loss of the tooth.
On the other hand, the location of the teeth often lead to the development of caries, for example, the teeth later, molars and premolars, they tend to be more prone to decay since their morphology turns out to be mountainous and present a face occlusal where abound grooves, pits, points and up to cracks, cleaning is not so simple and dirt accumulates resulting in the emergence of bacteria.
Meanwhile, karyology, is the discipline that deals with the study of dental caries, particularly focusing on the establishment of its etiology, how to avoid them, and the best treatment to eradicate it completely from the denture.
Cavities, usually begin at the outer tooth enamel, destroying it completely and then extend the dentin and the pulp inside, causing an inflammation known as pulpitis and finally happens pulpar necrosis or death.